Chapter eighty six

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Scarlett's POV

" I want these printed asap" I said smiling as we looked over the photos " and I wnat a copy of them all" Lizzie said and I nodded ofcourse I would. I think if we had rose this would of been the ultimate photo but just having one with the three of us on such a special day that means a lot. I'm glad I got to share this with them. This is my novas daughter and she looks happy and more comfortable aorund Kate and the others nkw she's getting to know them all more.

Now I am abit extra I did have Colin get me a cake that said congrats on the first day nova. I yes did not need to do this but I did so what. Also it's a chocolate gluten free cake so she can eat it and enjoy it because the kids loves chocolate. I did have Robbie and Colin bring it because this was social they both needed to be here that's why Robbie didn't come with Lizzie. Lizzie was supposed to come with th guys but she really wanted to see nova do her thing and I don't blame her so that's why she was our first surprise.

We'd fine he'd with the photo shoot and I
Smiled everyone was kw stood around so I think I have to  make a speech. " hi everyone thanks for today as always you guys killed it, thank you for welcoming my nova in with open arms and nova congratulations on you're first shoot I'm incredibly proud of you and I love you" and she smiled at me but when I got it yeh hair I didn't have to go hug her she hugged me she didn't speak and I just held her close to mez

Colin and Robbie were in teh dressing room set up and ready because Colin had texted me the eagle had landed he has to be a dork about things like this. I swear any chance to act like James Bond or something he would run for it. I wouldn't be shocked if Robbie played spy music for him while they came in. I looked over at Lizzie and nodded she seemed to understand what I was trying to say without actually speaking because nova has great hearing.

" okay let's get you changed  and home"I said  and she nodded she didn't think anything of it which is really good. " I was thinking we could have some pasta" she said walking into the room "Surprise" the boys yelled " is someone having a laugh!" She yelled and I started to laugh " twice in one day are you trying to kill me!" She glared at them all and then looked at me "You knew so you're just as bad" and I outed stop her "I got you cake" and she softened only just realising the cake was there.

Novas POV

She got me a cake. Yes it's stupid to cry over this but I am going to because no one's done something like this for me. I've never had a congratulations cake before. I didn't think I ever would ge to have a congratulations cake and now look at me stood with one. " we heard you killed it" Collin say to me and I smiled "
I think I did?"
And Scarlett spoke " oh she totally did" and then Lizzie put her finger in the frosting and I thought she'd eat it but she put it on my nose " ooops" and I groaned ofcourse she put the frosting on me what a child she is. I got s bigger hand ful and wiped her face with it" oh no sorry" and she laughed but I couldn't tell I was in for it " peach" she said sweetly  and I knew something was wrong she pulled me into her and kissed my face all Over and I screamed I had frosting all over " no no!" And she didn't listen she is tf laughed " teaches you a lesson huh?" Ans I groaned why did she have to do that.

We ate the cake and then it was time to leave this place. We walked outside and I smiled softly looking at my family. " what's up with you little weirdo?" And I smiled while chuckling " erm nothing just happy" and she smiled " okay we'll meet you guys at you're house" Lizzie said getting to her car with Robbie and I nodded at her. Colin had his own car so he was driving back and would meet us there. I got into the car with Scarlett and she smiled at me. " I'm really proud of you sweet girl" and I smiled softly " I couldn't of done it without you" I said because it's true I would of freaked out before setting foot in that building and even then I don't think I'd have gotten this job if she wasn't my mum.

" I have a interview tomorrow" she said softly and I stiffene Steph last time she had one of those me and her stopped talking for ages and I was hurt. I think she saw me stiffen because she took my hand in hers while she was driving " I promise it won't be like last time" and I nodded I have to trust but this is me almost being hurt again. I really really hope she doesn't hurt me.

Scarlett's POV

I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I'm going on Jimmys show tomorrow and I enjoy going on there but I'm scared that I may mess up again. I really have to eat he hat I say and make sure I don't mess everything up because I barely got her back this time I doubt I will if I do it again. She froze whne I said it so yeh I don't think she is the biggest fan of h to us idea too. She's probably gonna be scared and upset and I don't know if I can do this show tomorrow knowing how bad she feels.



Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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