Chapter nine

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Novas POV

Scarlett walked me towards a white Range Rover which looked very bloody expensive. " okay I gotta give you a heads up first I'm not living alone actually Lizzie and I think you know who Chris is right well evans" and I nodded " there both staying with me too" and I nodded so 3 new people and I haven't Even said a word to Chris how amazing. Don't even know if he's nice who am I kidding he's like a human golden retriever. Although I won't tell him I think he's like a dog. Don't think that's the impression I'm going for. But how cool even if this doesn't work out for me I'll have stayed with celebrities. " yeh that's cool" I said trying to not get to attached to any of this. Just gotta try and not get attached. That sounds easy right?

We drove for a while which confused me how far do these people live. But as I thought that we pulled into a driveway and we'll this isn't a Normal house. It's normal for rich people but as someone who's grown up in the poor area of her town this place is probably worth more then twice my house. And my house is a good  4 bedrooom semi detached and this is wow

" it's not much but it's home until this is all sorted" she said I turned to her "not much? This is more then half my street!" And she laughed at how shocked I was. " I'm glad you like it but erm there is the whole bedroom situation I should of mentioned" and I frowned I didn't know what was up " there's only three bedrooms and Chris and Lizzie have there own rooms and I have the master-" and I kinda saw what she was going to say so I spoke with a small smile " don't worry I can stay in the sofa a house like this I bet it'll be fine" and she shook her head fast " no nova I'm not letting you sleep on the sofa I just wanted to say that if you were okay with it you can stay with me" and now my jaws officially staying on the floor. No one is gonna believe me when I say I shared a bed with Scarlett johansson. Jesus I don't believe it. "I know you will wnat you're space I'm okay-" and she stopped me again " novalie you're staying with me." And I nodded I think she knows when she gives me the choice I'll just say no now. " okay" I said and she smiled wide why was she so happy to share a bed with a kid she barely knows is beyond me. " come on you didn't get to meet Chris yet" and I nodded and follows her out of the car and into the house. I could hear two voices that I'd id recognise so at least that's something. " scar you're back!" Lizzie said and whne she saw me she smiled even wider " novalie!" And I smiled at her. She looked happy to see me and the I saw Chris who was a lot fucking bigger then I thought. " hi I'm Chris" ans I smiled " hes you're god father" Lizzie said and I went a little wide eyed but why am I shocked at this point. " we don't-" ans Lizzie continued for me " know you're her you're still believing that kiddo?" and I nodded and she smiled " well it's okay we have patience and at least we know you won't run of with just anyone" and I looked at her " yep not like I'm about to stay with three strangers" and she nodded " definitely Scarlett's daughter" Chris stayed to him in agreement while Scarlett rolled her eyes " leave her alone im gonna show her  around" Scarlett said taking my hand I'm just gonna ignore the happpy feeling I get when she took my hand. I think I'm getting ill yeh that's it.

She showed me around the house and I swear this place is too big. I heard her phone ring and she gave me a soft smile. " it's Colin. Erm he's my husband I just-" and I nodded " I'll let you talk I'll go find Lizzie and Chris" and she gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug " I won't be long sweetheart" and I just nodded she could takes ages it's her family why would she care what I thought. I left the room well that was a office but I kinda didn't know where I was going and I'm pretty sure I'm lost. Okay only one thing to do " Lizzie?!" And I heard a " yeh?!" And I saw her walk out of a room and I smiled " I kinda got lost" and she giggled " come on sweet peach let's get you fed" and i furrowed my eyebrows oh shit how do I tell them I have a gluten intolerance. Maybe I shouldn't I mean they've cooked for me I don't want them to think I'm ungrateful. I've eaten my gluten limit for the day so anything now is gonna leave me in pain. And I saw Chris making grilled cheese sandwiches and I felt my stomach gurgle. Not out of hunger just the impending pain I was going to feel. Fuckkkk

Scarlett's POV

I answered the call " hey love" and I smiled he's seriously the sweetest man " hey how was work" and he filled me in on the writing for the next show. " erm sweetheart I have some news" and he gasped " you're pregnant?" And I went wide eyed " no! No no we just had one" and he sighed in relief thank god I wasn't the only one. I love my kiss but three is enough. " I erm well I was at that school thing today" ans he hummed telling me to continue " well I got partnered with this girl. She's called nova. Actually her names novalie Ophelia" ans I heard him say " what?!" And I tried not to chuckle " yep that's not it. Erm she's born  on the 8th of June 2007 and here's the kicker she has the same birthmark on her wrist" and he spoke softly " you found her" and I nodded he couldn't see me but I was crying " yeh" and he chuckled I could tell he was crying " wait how is she? Is she okay? Is she with you? Did you tell the police?" Ans I giggled " yes she's with me and she's staying till the DNA results come in. She's kinda convinced she's not my child which I dunno if she just doesn't wanna be. But I know she's my girl. The police are arresting the people that raised her. There's a lot they did to her. I don't know everything but they definitely neglected her Colin" ans I heard him sigh " I was scared of that" he said " I know I was too. She's stubborn and looks just like me. Has brown hair though but she has my eyes. I just wanna get her home" and he spoke again " I can't wait to meet her. And rose and cosmo will be excited. Have you cancelled you're meeting and flight? I'm assuming you're staying there for a few days" and I groaned I'd forgot about all of that. Thank his for my husband " no but I'll do that now. I can't go not without her" we carried on talking a sun I had to end the call to email my manager letting her know exactly what is going on and that I couldn't be back and I didn't know whne I'd be back. My novas important. I also messaged liz she owns this lance and I told her that I needed to stay longer and she agreed to let em stay until it was all over.


Hey loves

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
Get a goods sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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