Chapter sixty five

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Novas POV

Before I could say anything I heard a knock on the door it was rushed and my heart dropped fell into my stomach " Scarlett?!" I heard Lizzie in a very panicked say oh fuck she's gonna kill me. I never told her where I was going all she knew I was going to the car. She mad eye contact with me and I saw her face turn into anger oh fuckkkk" novalie Ophelia johansson you gave me a heart attack why did you not tell me where you were?" Ans I just got up and went to hug Lizzie Jesus I can see she's about to cry. " I'm sorry" I whispered but she pulled my head back " don't do that to me again or I'll leave you outside" and I nodded while she hugged me but then everything Scarlett said came back and I turned she was giving us a soft smile but she's hurting. She's been hurting this whole time and I never knew. We've both been hurting and she showed me the skeletons in her closet maybe I should show her mine. Maybe that's the way for us to move forward. Oh lord I'm always the bigger person" Lizzie I need to talk to Scarlett alone" I said and Lizzie looked between us and then smiled " I'll be in my trailer okay?" And I nodded she let me go but instead of leaving she went to Scarlett and kissed her forehead " I'll see you both soon" she said walking out. I sighed instead of going to the seat next to Scarlett again I sat on the stool. " you've been honest so I should too" and she looked at me with shock but nodded " erm yeh only if you're comfortable" and I looked up at her " I am ready to tell you this because it doesn't hurt me to anymore. My foster parents they abused me." Ans she went wide eyed I saw her eyes droop and her Lower lip wobble " what?!" And Ans I nodded I gave her a tight smile " no tears see?" I said pointing to myself and she looked at me " so no tears from you scarly" I said softly and she nodded clenching her jaw to stop herlsef " I erm it was more emotional and mental abuse but John did hit me a few times. They were high all the time but yeh they knew what they were doing. They had there daughter and still smoked. But they never laid a hand on her even if they were high. I had gotten so used to the smells I was in withdrawal at the hospital. Ever since then I'd felt like I needed something but I knew I didn't. And the I vaped  and it felt okay.Like the pain has gone. But I knew I didn't need to unless I was upset. I didn't wanna be a addict and I wasn't going to just harmless 2% of nicotine when I was down. I was too scared to do anything else and I still am. I don't ever wanna drink and I havbt."

" that's why you flinched" she said quitely and i looked at her shocked " you saw that?" And she sighed " Colin pointed it out to me and I remember that look of fear over you're face. I'd never hurt you my love please know that" and I nodded " I know it's just you were angry and I didn't know what to do" and she nodded taking my hand I didn't know she's moved closer " I'm sorry about how I dealt with that whole situation. You were right I'm a hypocrite" and I winced " you heard that?" And she nodded giving me a small smile " it's okay you were right I am. I smoked cigarettes when I was younger, older the you but I guess the shock took over. I never thought I'd be the type to yell I just thought I'd have a talk and maybe get to see why. But I didn't do that and I am sorry I know it won't change anything but I am" and I nodded just to know she knew that upset me too. " I'm not ready to go home yet. I wanna stay with Lizzie and Robbie longer but I'm not mad at you scarly" but all I saw was her smiling " what?" And she spoke " you said home" and I guess I did. I guess it's still home huh. " I know I don't expect you to forgive me over night but I'll show you for the rest of my life how sorry I am" and I smiled at her while she looked ya me inside " can I hug you?" And I nodded " I guess" I said and she pulled me into a hug without hesitation. " I missed you and you're cuddles my cuddles bug" she said stroking my hair and I sighed that felt good " actually can you bring me more stuff to Lizzie's just a few shirts and maybe some pjs?"
And she frowned but nodded " yeh baby I can but it'll have to be after work tomorrow"and I nodded that's perfect for me " god I probably look like such a mess right now don't I?" Ann I supposed to tell her the truth or do I keep this piece of information to myself?
Eemmmmm I plead the fifth" which made her laugh like properly " ofcourse you do" she said smiling and I smiled back. " I gotta get to make up but ill see you on set?" She said and I nodded but I suddenly remembered about what the twins said about the outset photoshoot but maybe me the time to bring it up. Maybe whne I didn't just tell her about my crap of a life. " yeh and erm can you not tell anyone even Colin about what I told you" and she nodded "ofcourse not my baby but he misses you and so do you're siblings" and I nodded " I miss them too" I said and she pulled me into another hug " see you soon" she said and some people walked in how I assume we're getting her ready so I decided it's now my time to leave and let them work the magic because she's gonna need it after crying and looking like that. I mean I don't think I look even slightly better but I'll wash my face good thing I don't wear makeup huh?

I really wanna move forward like I just wanna be happy and I do believe she's sorry but how do I trust her?


Eemmm ask the readers novs

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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