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     The next morning I had woken up to knocking at the door. I yawned as I sat up and stretched before slipping out of bed. Naruto just laid there and rubbed his eyes as he began to wake up as well.

     I made my way down the stairs and assumed my father was already gone. I opened the door and seen shikamaru there holding a picture of the code.

Shikamaru: hey sleepyhead.

Me: hey shika. Need help?

Shikamaru: yeah, I need to borrow naruto.

Me: he's just waking up.

Shikamaru: oh, sorry to wake you both. Your father said to come here to find naruto. I need help with the code and kakashi and Tsunade both have no clue.

Me: come inside, I'll get naruto down here.

Shikamaru: thanks.

Me: of course.

     I headed up the stairs as shikamaru walked inside, closing the door behind him.

     Entering the bedroom, naruto was sat up and looking at me with tired, dreadful eyes.

Me: shikamaru is here. He wants to talk to you about the code. He needs your help.

Naruto: oh, alright.

     He got up and out of bed and we both began to head down the stairs. We joined shikamaru who was sitting down in the living room area.

     I let them talk as I went in to the kitchen to make some tea for everyone when I heard shikamaru tell Naurto they're leaving.

     Shikamaru came inside the kitchen to tell me he's taking naruto out. I just nodded my head and left naruto in shikamarus hands. Shikamaru lost his sensei, so he'd understand what naruto is going through as well. He'd be able to help naruto as well.

No use in making tea now.

I headed up to my room instead and decided to get ready. I tossed on a pair of black baggy pants, a black halter top that came just below my breasts with a mesh piece to cover half of my abdomen, along with black sleeves that came a few inches above my elbows.

I went inside my bathroom and brushed through my hair and did my oral care quickly before exiting the bathroom.

Placing my headband was the last thing I mainly had to do besides grabbing my weapons pouch and swords. So I wrapped my thigh before placing my pouch on and then tossed my holster, with my swords inside, on my back. Once I was ready, I headed out do my room and down the stairs to slip my shoes on and run leave the house.

I wandered the streets of konaha wondering what I could do. I then ran to where Sai was staying, which was a few minutes from my place, and knocked on his door.

Me: Sai!......come on man.

After a few minutes of standing, the door opened and Sai attempted to give me a smile.

Sai: good morning n/n.

Me: hey. Sorry again for missing the shift.

Sai: it's alright.

Me: I came here to make up for it.

He raised a brow at me as I only smiled up at him.

Sai: what idea do you have in that oversized head of yours.

Me: excuse me?!

Sai: kidding. See, I'm getting better at jokes.

Me: keep that one to yourself, Sai. The idea I had though was for us to hang around. We could go for ice cream.

Sai: then why have your weapons?

Me: I'm being on guard. With what's happening I don't wanna be unprepared if anything happens to the village.

Sai: fair enough. Oh, how's naruto?

Me: he's alright I guess. I don't know when he will be himself again. I'm hoping shikamaru can help more. He's known him since they began the academy together.

Sai: I'm sure he will help if they've been friends for that long.

Me: I hope so, but anyhow, go get ready.

Sai: oh, right.

He went back inside his place as I stood outside and leaned up against the front of the little house.

Sai came out within a few minutes and looked his usual self.

Sai: ice cream first?

Me: sounds good to me. Best breakfast ever.

Sai: you haven't ate?

Me: nope, but neither have you so you can't give me shit.

Sai: fair point. Let's go.

Me: haha yes!

     I linked my arm with his and we began to stroll down the streets of konaha. We wandered down, looking at all the different vendors until we found the once with ice cream. I pulled Sai in that direction, smiling like an idiot. I caught a glimpse of him smiling a little bit as well, probably from my stupid face.

     Standing infront of the ice cream place, I ordered my favourite as Sai picked a random one.  He always did that, always got something different and random.

     I paid for the ice cream and we both began to once again, walk down the street just wandering around.

     We were quite sure on what to do since we did have a good amount of the day left to do whatever. So I decided the waterfall, everything always went to the option of the waterfall when there were no other things to pick.

      By the time we reached the waterfall, our ice creams were gone. We let our feel dangle off the edge of the rocks and watched as the water crashed to the bottom and into the pond.

"So, what's so important about this waterfall y/n. After all these years I haven't asked you yet"

"It's my comfort place and I used to train in the area"

"There's more to it. I'm not stupid. I've known you for too long now to know when there's more to a story. And don't say Sasuke because you came here before him I assume"

"Sometimes you're too smart Sai. I used to come here with my mom and dad. It's where we would spend our spare time together just having fun. Training in the woods, swimming in the pond. I actually learned how to swim here" I smiled recalling memories. The memories were always so wonderful to think of until I came to realize that that's all they were, memories. They could never be remade.

"Oh....I think that's sweet. I never got to really experience a family"

"Besides your brother"

"Yea.....besides him"

"Hey, I think we should switch to a happier topic. Talking about dead family members and memories is a little depressing"

"But it's part of life"

"I know...believe me"

"Alright then, what shall we talk about?"

"To be honest, I have no clue Sai....not one bit"

     We both just sat there in quiet, attempting to think while gazing out into the many, many trees infront of us. We listened to the crashing of the water and the birds as they sing nearby. It was a peaceful place so perhaps sitting in quiet wasn't the worse thing ever.


Hey y'all......I'm going to try and keep posting normally, but today I had to put my bunny down who lived almost eight years. Fuck you cancer for taking my baby.

Anyways, hope your guys day is going much better.....

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