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     I was wandering around, trying to help other jonin figure out how to rebuild this area, let alone this entire village. It had been about an hour since the scene with Suigetsu.

      I wasn't sure what to even do at the moment. I was confused about everything going on right now in my life. What I did need was another talk with my dad, but I couldn't do that right now. It felt like my head was clouded and thoughts were racing my through. I couldn't think straight what so ever. I felt so guilty and wanted to tell Sasuke what happened, but I didn't want to deal with him at all because of the way he acts. He'd probably be pissed and go after Suigetsu, or even me.

Of course things just have to keep going sideways once I see Sasuke appear beside me. It made me gulp and I couldn't keep the guilt off of my face. It was very noticeable I was guilty of something.

"Are we done?" He said. No hi. No greeting. Nothing. But I couldn't blame him, especially if he found out, and clearly seemed like he did and I was caught of guard.


"Are we done? Is what we have over?"

"Why would you say that? Of course not" I said as I fully turned to face him. I couldn't read his emotions what so ever. His eyes were blank and he had a poker face on. I couldn't tell what he was feeling anymore.

"You kissed Suigetsu. I seen it happen"

"I didn't kiss him"

"You guys kissed. Don't lie"

"But I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. I backed out and left"

"Tch. Still-"

"No. There's no still Sasuke. I forgave you for being completely naked with Karin in that hot spring. So you can forgive this"

"I didn't intend for that"

"I didn't intend for this either! I have enough shit to worry about so wether you forgive me or not, its not my top priority. I feel guilty and it wasn't even my fault"

"what else have you done?"

"Nothing! For fuck sakes.....I haven't done anything since we've been together. I wouldn't want to hurt you like that, I promise"

"Right.....I'm sorry" he said and I finally seen some emotion appear in his eyes; guilt.

"It's alright....we're becoming toxic you know"

"You think we can fix it?"

"That depends on you, Sasuke. Are you willing to not be so moody and running off to god knows where"

"Yea, I can try to not be so moody. I also don't plan on leaving anymore as I've said before. I mean it this time" he said as he held on to my hands, holding them tight.

"Good, you're also gonna help us rebuild this village and get itachi to help too. No excuses"


"Yes, really. We're gonna need all the help we can get"

"Right.....I really am sorry though"

"It's fine" I rolled my eyes, I really wanted to avoid this conversation at this point. Apologies always got to me, especially when repeated.

"No, it's not. I should've acted different and knew that you wouldn't do that......itachi is right, I'm the foolish one"

I only slighly giggled before wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yes, you are very foolish, but it doesn't mean I won't stop loving you, Sasuke. I'll keep reassuring you as many times as needed. These past years have been very chaotic and I think I'm ready to move on from it"

"Me too"

"Good, then let this new beginning begin. No more stupid arguing, no more accusing, no more leaving, none of that bullshit. Okay?"

"Okay" sasuke said before kissing me. It was a very gentle and soft kiss that made my heart flutter.

I need more soft Sasuke in my life.

"Where do you think we will be sleeping for the next god knows how long?" he asked.

"I honestly couldn't tell yea" I said with a little chuckle under my breath. "I don't think anybody knows what's going to happen for the next god knows how long"


     The next few days were spent by hard working. Sakura was looking after Tsunade who had went into a coma, we all prayed she'd awaken.

     The village had carpenters come over from another village to help us rebuild the one now. Between them, the shinobi working to cut down wood with the carpenters, and yamato with his wood style, the village was slowly coming together.

     Yamato had built some long houses that could fit quite a few people. It drained him of course, but it was worth it and he knew that.

      Even though everything was good so far, there was one problem and that was the hokage situation. Tsunade was in a coma which meant she couldn't be in charge. In this moment, the higher ups were discussing that issue and I just prayed someone good would be put in charge. Or that Tsunade would magically wake up. Yet I had the feeling she wouldn't be up as soon as I wanted her to be.

      Life at this point was a mystery, anything could be thrown our way. I remember as a kid wanting to become the strongest shinobi in the leaf, and yes I still want that, but I didn't know everything that could come with it.

I hope life gets better from here on out....who knows what'll happen


I'm going to conclude this story here since it's kind of a cliff hanger. But don't worry.....


And lowkey smutty. At least that's what I semi plan. (Please let me know if y'all would read it. I need encouragement)

Hopefully this plan turns out okay. I do hope it's a better written than this one. Looking back im just like....."well okay then. Whyd I do that"

But I'm like that with my other two books. Especially my first one. My god. I was surprised to see all the reads it got now that I look back at it.

Anyways. I'm done ranting. THANK YOU EVERYONE- MUCH LOVE

~Author out for now~

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