Bumps in the night.

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You fretfully padded down the hallway, your heart pounding at an incredibly fast rate against your chest, as a sound from the living room grew louder, you quietly step into the kitchen, silently grabbing a saucepan from the side before apprehensively making your way to the living room. You take a deep breath, raising the pan slightly as you catch sight of a figure stood by the window, facing away from you. You stiffen slightly, as they gradually turn around "ARGGGGGHHHH!" You screamed, leaping toward them "NO, WA-!"You abruptly swat them across the head with the pan, causing their legs to give way "OWWWW!" You instantly drop the pan, turning the light on as you recognize the painful cry "Greg!" You exclaim, promptly kneeling down to this level "Jesus (Y/N), What are you doing?" Greg snapped, one hand positioned firmly over the point of impact. You give him a sympathetic look, as you placed your hand on top of his "I thought you were an intruder" You said gawkily, smiling innocently at him "Let me see" You said, slowly removing his hand away from his forehead, a smirk twitched on your lips as a rather large bump was already forming on the right side of his forehead "Don't laugh" He said, scowling at you "Sorry" You pouted "You need Ice, Come on" You explained, taking his hand and leading him into the kitchen.

"Well, I didn't expect that when I came back early to surprise you" Greg said, briefly taking the ice bag off his head before putting it back on again. You smiled sympathetically at him as you sat on his lap, your legs hanging over the arm of the chair, whilst your arms were loosely placed around his neck "Greg, I am sorry. I'm the worst girlfriend ever" You chuckled "Not the worst, but the only one to hit me over the head with a saucepan" He replied, laughing. You giggled, gently removing the ice bag and lightly kissing his forehead "I'm so sorry, Let me make it up to you" You said, running your fingers through his salt and pepper hair "I have a few things in mind" He replied, raising his eyebrows suggestively at you. You laughed, tenderly scratching the back of his neck. He groaned slightly, briefly closing his eyes "Damn me and my weak spots" He grumbled, his tone husky. He slowly removed the ice bag from his head, setting it down on the table "Remind me to never surprise you again" He smirked, leaning into your neck and lightly brushing his lips against your skin, his hand coiling around your waist. You moaned softly at his touch, he'd only been away for 2 days, but you'd missed him so much, the house had been so quiet without him "May I suggest in future surprising me at a normal time? Rather than 3:00am" You said, your gaze locking with his as he looks up at you "Yeah, Okay. You've got a point" He replied, you smiled affectionately at him, tracing your finger over the bump on his forehead causing him to wince slightly "Sorry" You said, placing your hands in his lap "What are you going to tell people at work?" You said, giggling at the thought of Greg trying to explain what had happened. He shrugged, tracing his fingertips across your thigh "I'll think of something" He added, looking up at you and smiling, that smile that made you melt. "I'm sure Sherlock will have something to say" You laughed as you thought of Sherlock trying to make one of his deductions on Greg's injury "Sherlock's always got something to say" He replied, you laughed "True" You said, leaning down to place a tender kiss on his lips "I love you" He murmured, smiling against your lips "I love you too" You smiled, resting your forehead against his "Now, shall we go to bed?" You suggested, his lips quirked into a huge smile "I thought you'd never ask" He chuckled, promptly scooping you up and carrying you upstairs.



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