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Sally Donovan anxiously marched across the room to Greg's office, sweat seeped from her palms as she thought about how she was going to tell him that you were currently being held hostage by a group of notorious bank robbers who had been targeting banks in London recently. Sally hesitantly knocked on Greg's office door, waiting for a moment, before she gradually opened the door and peered in. Greg instantly looked up, his feet casually rested on the desk as he flicked through a stack of paperwork in front of him.

"Donovan" Greg nodded. Sally smiled and promptly entered the office "There's been another break in sir" Sally explained. Greg scoffed and rolled his eyes "Not again. Not our division" He said, before he lifted his feet off the desk to sit up properly "Now" He paused and looked over to Sally again "If you could just let me get on with this work, that would be great" He said, laughing lightly, before he turned his attention back to his mountain of paperwork.

Sally huffed, which caused Greg to look up again, a perplexed look on his face "Donovan" Greg said "It's [Y/N]" Sally said. Greg felt his heart drop down to his stomach at the mention of your name. All the blood in his veins ran cold "What about her?" He said, his tone low. "She's one of the hostages" Sally said. Greg instantly sprung up out of his seat and grabbed his coat from the rack "Come... Now" Greg said, as he strode through the door "What are you doing?" Sally questioned, as she followed behind him "I'm going to get her" He said.


Greg promptly got out of the car and was instantly met with a piercing echo of a gunshot, followed by several screams, from both inside and outside the building. "No" Greg murmured, a wave of worry and fear crashing over him as he ran over to the police tape. He quickly lifted the tape to go under, but before he could, he felt an arm stop him from doing so "Sir, you can't come through here" A young, clearly new policeman said. Greg growled in frustration as he pulled out his badge "I'm a fucking detective" He snapped as he practically shoved the ID badge in his face. The man nodded fretfully before he stepped aside to let Greg pass "Fucking newbie" Greg mumbled, as he shoved the badge back into his pocket and made his way across the street to the entrance of the bank.

"What have you got so far?" Greg said as he approached another police officer, one who actually knew him, stood outside the entrance "Lestrade" The officer nodded as he turned to him "Four armed masked men stormed the entrance, 7 hostages, 3 presumed dead or injured and they have now made their way to the upper levels. We think they're working their way up to the vaults" He explained. Greg felt his breath catch in his throat "Has anyone been in?" He questioned "No, It's not safe" The officer said. Greg stressfully ran his hand through his hair as he paced the street "My girlfriend's in their" He mumbled "The armed unit will be here soon. We are waiting for them to go in first" The officer explained. Greg shook his head, and made a beeline for the door "I can't wait" He said as he made his way over to the door "DETECTIVE! NO!" The officer said, before he grabbed Greg's arm to prevent him from going any further. Greg instantly swung around and punched the officer in the face, sending him stumbling back and onto the ground, before he turned back around and made his way inside.

Greg was met by silence as he entered the foyer, He paused for a moment, trying to detect any sound, nothing. He slowly scanned the foyer, before he strode across to the stairway. He slowly opened the door and let out a shrill gasp, as his eyes instantly noticed a woman, face down on the stairs, blood oozing from her lower back, a gunshot wound. She was dead. He observed the body closely for a moment and a wave of relief came over him as he realised it was not you. He took a deep breath and promptly wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand as he ran up the stairs. His pulse began to throb in his temples as he began to feel severely distressed you may not make it out of here alive.

Once he'd reached the top of the stairs, He cautiously opened the door to the hallway again, and briefly scanned both ways before he made the decision to turn right and padded down the hallway. His head pounded with tension and pain as he was faced with the prospect he could potentially find you dead in here, just like he did that woman. He then found himself trying to prevent tears from cascading down his cheeks as he suddenly remembered it was him who asked you to come to this bank today to withdraw some money out for him. This is my fault, he thought as he continued down the hallway. THUD, CRASH, BANG! "Ahhhh, NO PLEASE!" Greg froze and instantly resisted the urge to call out your name as he recognized your screams from down the hall.

He stopped in his tracks, as he tried to figure how far away you were. THUD, CRASH, BANG! Greg felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard the noises again "DON'T MOVE!" He heard a deep voice roar, followed by your screams. Greg felt his heart pound against his chest as he slowly began to make his way down the hall again "Go easy! We don't want to kill another one" Greg heard another voice say "WHY DON'T THEY LISTEN THEN?!" The other voice shouted. Greg swallowed the forming lump in his throat as he spotted a door slightly ajar, a few feet down from where he was "Plea-"                                "NO, SHUT UP!" One of the voices roared, Greg then flinched as he heard one of them hit you. He clenched his jaw as he slowly began to make his way over to the open door, his mind racing. There were 2, maybe 3 men in their, with guns and he had nothing. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves as he realized he was stood inches away from the door now. He briefly closed his eyes, before he took another deep breath and stormed into the room.

The first thing Greg noticed was the was 2 men in the room, one of which was armed. The armed man instantly swivelled around, pointing his weapon in Greg's face. He was about to pull the trigger when Greg grabbed the gun and twisted the barrel upwards, the bullet then abruptly shot out into the ceiling. Greg then violently kicked the man, sending him flying to the floor. The other man then charged at Greg, but soon found himself on the floor, as Greg quickly grabbed his upper arm and slammed him down to the floor as well. He watched the two men on the floor as they rolled around in pain, Greg then looked around the room, his eyes landing on a crowbar placed on a shelf just to the right of him. He instantly reached for it and before the two men could get back up again, he swiftly struck them on the head with it, knocking them out.

"Greg, You badass" You said, trying to calm yourself by cracking a joke, something you always did. Greg stared breathlessly at the two unconscious men, He slowly looked up at you and dropped the crowbar on the floor, before he ran over to you and knelt down beside you "[Y/N]" He breathed, a slight chuckle escaping his lips as he wrapped his arms around you. You did the same, hugging him tightly as he brushed his fingers through your hair "Are you okay?" Greg questioned, as he released you from his embrace and cupped his hands on your cheeks, assessing you for injuries "I'm okay. Just lucky to be alive" You said "I'm so happy to see you, For a moment, I didn't think I would again" You said, fear laced in your shaky tone "I came straight over to get you out when I found out. I had to make sure you were okay" He paused, a slight crack in his voice as he felt himself getting emotional "Did they hurt you?" He questioned. You shook your head "They just pushed me around a bit, nothing I can't handle" You said "That's my girl" Greg laughed lightly and helped you up. "Did you say there was another man?" Greg questioned. Suddenly, you both froze as a loud bang echoed through the hallway "BOYS! WE NEED TO GO NOW!" A voice bellowed down the corridor. You promptly grabbed Greg's hand, as he looked at you "Stay here" He whispered, before he slowly let go of your hand and made his way over to the door.                                                                                                                                              You felt your heart beat erratically as you watched him step out into the corridor "DON'T MOVE AND PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Greg's voice roared "I'M A POLICE OFFICER" He added. There was a moments silence, before the man spoke "Nice knowing you!" BANG! BANG! BANG! Your eyes widened at the sound of the gunshot and you instantly ran into the corridor. A shrill gasp escaped your lips as you walked out into the narrow hallway.

Armed police were at the end of the hallway, several of them gathered around the third burglar, who was slumped against the wall, surrounded by a pool of blood. You then instantly made your way over to Greg and clung tightly onto his waist as one of the armed policemen looked down the corridor at the two of you, his gun pointing in your direction "Are you okay?" Greg nodded, and slowly made his way down the hallway with you clinging onto him for dear life "I love you so much" You murmured, He smiled affectionately down at you "I love you too. Don't ever scare me like that again" He said, his arm tightening around your shoulder "Don't ever send me to do errands for you again" You joked. He laughed lightly "Oh, Don't worry, I won't. I'll be doing all the errands from now on" He replied, chuckling lightly " Now let's get you checked out at the hospital" He murmured as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. So thankful you were safe.


Hi Guys. Sooo, Busy week again and it didn't help that I was ill for a couple days and was like bedridden. So I've only had the chance to write and upload tonight. But I hope you enjoy this oneshot, not too sure about this one, was half tempted not to put it up, but I thought I'd let you guys judge it for yourself. So, let me know in the comments what you honestly think about it and thank you for the votes/comments/reads on the previous one. Lovee :)

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