See You Again // Part 3.

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You sat silently as you waited for Greg to say something, you nervously knotted your fingers together and peered over to him. He too, was sat silently, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were wide, he was nervous. He then looked over to you "Wow, I'm nervous" He murmured. Your lips twitched into half a smile, you still knew him like the back of your hand.

"I don't think there's much you can say Greg" You said. Greg's expression softened and he looked as if he was about to cry "I know. But at least let me try" He explained. You sighed inwardly, you sat, trying, wanting to hate him, but as he was sat there in front of you, you just couldn't "It's good to see you've done so well for yourself" Greg said shyly.

"You too. You always wanted to work at Scotland Yard" You explained. Greg suddenly looked up at you and cocked his head to one side "I never mentioned I worked at Scotland Yard" He explained. You smiled slightly at him "You didn't have to. I always wondered what you'd make of yourself Greg Lestrade, and you did it" You said. Greg half smiled at you "But you were never there" He said.

You took a deep breath and averted your gaze to your lap "Greg, please" You murmured feebly as you felt tears build up in your eyes. Greg sighed and ran his hands through his hair, before he rested his elbows on his knees and looked over to you again "(Y/N), a day hasn't gone by in the last 15 years where I haven't thought about you" He said.

"Then why did you do it?!" You snapped spitefully, your voice faltering slightly as you asked him a question you'd wanted to know the answer to for the last 15 years. Greg bowed his head in shame and shook his head "I was stupid... So stupid" He mumbled, his head still bowed "I wish I could take it back" He explained, you watched him intensely as you heard his voice crack.

"I don't think I could ever tell you why I did what I did" He paused and looked over to you "We had so many good memories... We could of" He murmured. He then began to scan the bench and smiled as he appeared to have found what he was looking for "Do you remember this?" He said, as he ran his hand over one of the wooden panels in the space between you.

You looked down at Greg's hand and there you noticed, 'greg &+ (y/n) forever'. You stared intensely at it as your vision began to blur from the tears building up in your eyes "Yeah, well, nothing lasts forever" You scoffed and looked up and across the park. Greg sighed and buried his face into his hands "I come here a lot you know" He said as he looked up at you again "It makes me feel like everything's going to be okay, you know?" He paused "Even though it's not" He added "It never has been."

"I know the feeling" You murmured, your eyes still focused on the scenery in front of you "Where did you go after... You know?" Greg questioned nervously. You sighed despondently "I dropped straight out of uni and deferred for a year" You explained "I needed to think about what I really wanted in life" You added. Greg stared attentively at you, a fearful expression on his face.

"Then I moved up to Liverpool, where I met Molly and after I finished university. I just stayed up there" You paused and looked over to Greg "The rest is history" You said. Greg gaped at you "I don't know what to say" He mumbled awkwardly. You shrugged carelessly "There's nothing you can say" You said "What about you anyway? What did you do?" You questioned.

"I transferred to a different university" He explained. You instantly widened your eyes "King's College was your dream university" You gasped. Greg sighed despondently and shook his head "It wasn't anymore, I hated the place" He explained "I moved to Westminster, and from there went straight to the yard" He explained.

"You gave up Kings college for me? That was literally your everything" You said, you'd always remembered how much Greg talked about how he got into King's College, he'd never wanted anything more, he was so proud. "I gave up my everything when I let you go" He said "I don't think you understand how much it affected me. I hated myself... I still hate myself" He explained.

You watched him intently as he took a moment before he spoke again "I've not even looked at another woman since you. I don't deserve to, I don't deserve to be happy. I got exactly what I deserved in life" He paused and promptly wiped the back of his hand "I never got over what I done to you" He said "And you think I did?" You replied.

"Do you know how long I kept my number in hope that you might just call?" You sobbed "7 years, 7 fucking years. I waited for you to call, text even. But you never did" You explained "And even when I finally changed numbers, I still... somehow expected you to call. My life has been like one long wait, one long disappointment" You explained, letting tears cascade down your cheek "For absolutely nothing" You added.

"(Y/N), I still love you" Greg said, his words lingered in the air for a moment as he looked intensely at you "I've never stopped. You're the only person I want in my life, the only person I've ever wanted in my life and I wish I could go back in time and undo what happened, but I can't and that kills me every day, knowing I can't change that" He paused "I just wish I could have made it up to you" He sighed, bowing his head.

"Well" You paused and looked over to him, his head still bowed "You could always start now" He immediately sat up at your words, his gaze locking with yours "You'll.. You'll take me back?" He said "No" You said simply and got up. You then looked back round to him "But you could always take me out for dinner tonight" You said, a smile spread across Greg's lips as you spoke.

"That's a start" You said. Greg smiled affectionately at you "A new start" He murmured, as he watched you stroll through the park. 


Hey Guys! Surprise update! 

I thought I'd upload the last part today as I've got to write a review tomorrow and I'd had this written anyway, so it was stupid to wait. Anyway, thanks for the response on this one-shot series, I really enjoyed writing this one. Is there any sort of one-shots or a series you would like to see in the future? Let me know in the comments and I'll get writing!

I hope you enjoy this part, you could potentially see a 4th one in the future... Who knows ;)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. All the love. 

His Division [Greg Lestrade One Shots]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα