20 Years // Part 2...

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Your heart dropped down to your stomach as his lips hovered inches from yours. You felt his breath against your skin and gradually shut your eyes "Sherlock" You breathed. Sherlock opened his eyes, as did you. You felt tears prick at your eyes as Sherlock looked intensely at you. Sherlock took a deep breath and gently placed his hand on your cheek "I know" He murmured.

"I'm not good enough to be loved by somebody like you" He murmured. You felt your bottom lip tremble and tears cascaded down your face as he slowly got up. You watched him attentively as he briefly looked down at you, before he made his way across the terrace. You subconsciously got up, and went to go after him, when you saw Greg coming from the opposite direction.

"Alright Sherlock" Greg said, Sherlock ignored him as he quickly passed him and Greg looked back at him, a confused expression on his face. You promptly wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, before Greg looked back around and walked towards you. You took a deep breath and forced a smile as he came over to you "Everything alright?" Greg questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

You nodded, and Greg placed his hand on the arch of your back, causing you to flinch "Are you sure you're okay?" Greg questioned again. You nodded in response and smiled at him "Where's Sherlock going?" Greg questioned. You paused for a moment as you tried to regain your composure, your whole body trembled as you tried to get your head around what had just happened "(Y/N)" Greg said, giving you a strange look. You snapped out of your thoughts, and looked over to him "I don't know Greg!" You snapped, before you heatedly walked away.

Once you got back into the bar, you instantly began to look for Sherlock. You frantically looked around the bar, when you finally managed to clock John sat on the same table you were sat on earlier on in the night. You instantly rushed over to him "Hey" You said breathlessly. John looked up at you and gave you a bewildered look, before he flashed you a polite smile "Hey, where have you been?" He questioned "Greg's about to do his speech" He added "With Sherlock, Do you know where he is? Where's Sherlock?" You questioned.

Just then, the lights slowly dimmed and silence filled the room. You and John both looked over to the front of the bar, where Greg was stood with the commissioner at the Yard, Harry. "Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen" Harry announced to the crowd of people watching them "Tonight is a night of celebrating, celebrating one of the best officers I've had the pleasure of working with" He paused and looked over to Greg "Greg Lestrade has been with us for 10 years, and has worked non-stop to keep the streets of London a safer place for everyone, constantly putting his neck on the line to get the results we needed. And I am thrilled to be able to give him this promotion, something which he deserves so much. So Thank you Lestrade. The stage is all yours" Harry finished, as the room filled with applauds.

Greg smiled bashfully as he waited for the applause to die down, before he spoke "Thank you everyone for coming tonight. I am overwhelmed by the display Harry has put on tonight, and at all the people that have come to support me, Thank you" He paused, and his eyes searched the room for you, until he found you sat at the back with John. He smiled affectionately as his eyes landed on you, blissfully unaware he was watching you, as you too, looked around for the room "But there is one person I wanted to thank. And that is my beautiful girlfriend, (Y/N)" Greg said.

You heard Greg mention your name, but were too distracted to acknowledge it as you continued to scan the room for Sherlock. Your heart then skipped a beat, as you caught sight of him, stood in the far corner of the room. You promptly stood up, when you heard Greg call your name again "(Y/N)" You instantly looked over to Greg at the front of the bar, staring at you, along with everyone else in the room "Can you come up here? I have something to ask you" He said. You felt your heart pound against your chest as you broke your gaze from Greg and looked over to Sherlock.

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