Dance {Teen Lestrade} // Part 1.

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You nervously hovered by the door, his dark brown eyes fixed on you intently as a devious smirk rose on his plump lips "Come on" He said, his voice low and husky "I... I can't. I have to go" You stammered nervously. He scoffed and cocked his head to one side as he looked at you "No you don't. Come on, We won't be long" He said. You nervously bit your lip and looked up and down the corridor, hoping that somebody would be around, but nobody was.

You looked back over to him, his eyes locked with yours and a shiver ran down your spine as you gradually stepped forward and into the empty classroom. You felt your heart pound against your chest as he slowly closed the door behind you "What... did you want?" You stammered again "The assignment you said you'd do for me" He replied, pacing aimlessly around you in a circle "I haven't had time yet James, I've got my own school work to do" You explained.

"When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it" He paused and stood directly in front of you, his face inches from yours "You know what will happen otherwise" He threatened. Your breath hitched as he moved ever so slightly closer to you "I'll do it tonight" You murmured nervously. He laughed lightly and you felt his hot breath on your face "No, No, No" He grumbled "I don't want it to tonight, I want it now" He paused and slowly looked you up and down "So, you know what that means" He said.

Unexpectedly the door opened and Greg Lestrade, a boy from your English class was stood staring blankly at the two of you "Can I help you?" James said. Greg looked blankly at him for a moment, then over to you, he half smiled at you, evident that he could see the fear in your expression and turned back to James "You need to go... Now" Greg said sternly. James laughed and casually strolled over to Greg.

"I was here first. You interrupted me" He said, a smug look on his face "And now that I have, you need to leave" He retorted. The two of them stared at each other for a moment "What are you waiting for?" Greg said. James didn't say anything, instead, he turned back around to you "I'll be seeing you real soon" He said chillingly "No, you won't" Greg snapped. James turned back round, a dark grin spread across his face "This isn't the last you'll see of me either " He said, before he casually left.

You momentarily closed your eyes and took a deep breath "Are you alright?" Greg said as he nervously looked at you, before taking a few steps towards you. You opened your eyes at the sound of Greg's voice and flinched slightly as you'd noticed he'd moved closer to you. Greg promptly raised his hands in the air and smiled kindly at you "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" He explained. You smiled shyly at Greg "No, No.. You didn't scare me. Thank you" You explained.

You stared nervously at Greg, he was definitely the best looking boy in your year, although nobody else thought it. He was smart, funny and didn't have a bad bone in his body. He definitely wasn't your average 16 year old boy, he was different... And you liked it "(Y/N), isn't it?" He said softly. You nodded shyly, feeling your cheeks rise in heat as your name rolled smoothly off his tongue. He smiled affectionately at you, a perfectly shaped dimple surfacing on his right cheek "I'm G-"

"Greg Lestrade, I know" You paused "You're in my english class" You added "Oh... Oh, I didn't think you knew" He mumbled in a flustered state. There was a brief silence as Greg looked down at the floor for a moment as though he was composing himself "I was..." He then stopped and took a breath, running his hands through his dark hair, which you noticed already had fine flecks of grey in "Did you want something?" You asked. He promptly looked up at you and smiled slightly, before he shook his head.

You smiled back at him "Okay. Thank you for helping me out there" You said. Greg shook his head "There's no need to thank me" He explained "Did you want me to walk you home?" He questioned "No, it's alright. My dad is waiting for me in the car park" You explained. Greg nodded "I could walk you to his car" He suggested. You smiled politely and shook your head "No it's fine, thank you." You replied. Greg smiled and nodded again. You awkwardly smiled at him again, before you began to make your way out of the classroom.

"(Y/N)" Greg said suddenly, you stopped just as you were about to walk out of the classroom and turned back around. Greg paused for a moment, before he took another deep breath "Goodbye" He said "Bye Greg" You replied, and then you were gone. Greg huffed again and cupped his hands over his face "Nice one" He mumbled "You could have just asked her to prom then, but no you bottled it" He grumbled in annoyance to himself. Greg had had a crush on you since the two of you first started secondary school, five years ago and he'd sworn to himself that he was going to ask you to the leavers prom as his date, but every time he'd had the chance, he always got to nervous and never did it. But now it was getting closer, he had to do soon, otherwise he'd never get that dance with you.

"Tomorrow Lestrade, You are going to ask (Y/N) (L/N) tomorrow." He said to himself, before he too, left the classroom. 


Hey guys, hope you are doing well! Sorry it's been a while. But I finally got round to finishing this, so i hope you enjoy it! I believe this is my first teen Lestrade one shot, so i hope you enjoy it! Thanks for all the votes and comments on the previous ones! I'll try not to leave it so long next time! All the love.   

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