Accidents Happen.

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You shot down the corridor like a sprinter out of the blocks as you desperately searched for your husband, Greg "Excuse me, Where's the children's ward?" You questioned frantically, as you stopped to question a nearby nurse "Right down the end and to the right" You nodded, before you continued your olympic style sprint down the corridor. You'd gotten a call from Greg that afternoon, saying that your 2 year old son, Connor, had fallen over and split his head open whilst at work with Greg, who was absolutely beside himself.

You slowed down as you turned the corner, instantly spotting Greg sat despondently in one of the waiting room chairs "Greg!" You shouted, he instantly looked up at you before rushing off his chair and into your arms "I'm so sorry" He said, resting his head into your neck "Greg, It's not your fault" You soothed, as you cupped your hands on his cheeks, you're gaze locked with his "What have the doctors said?" You questioned, Greg sighed, his gaze now locked on the floor "I'm not even sure how it happened. But he's got a pretty deep cut on his forehead, and they've glued it together and put a dressing on it" He paused, scraping his hands through his hair "Greg, Look at me. He's fine" You soothed, grazing your thumb across his cheek "It's not your fault" You said. He took a deep breath, his smouldering brown eyes locking with yours "I should have been watching him. It is my fault, I shouldn't have taken him in. I've let him down as a father" He mumbled "Greg Lestrade, Don't you dare say that. You're a great father to Connor. Why don't we go and see him?" You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek before taking his hand as you walked along the ward.

You enter the room to see Connor playing happily on the bed "Mummy!" He said "Hello Mister" You smiled, sitting on the bed with him "I went bump!" He exclaimed, pointing to the dressing on his forehead "Oh dear, But you're alright, aren't you? Daddy did a great job of looking after you" You said, looking over to Greg. Who was stood warily by the door, looking like a sheepish schoolboy who had been pulled into the headmaster's office "Greg, Come here" You sighed. It absolutely killed you to see Greg like this, he worshipped the ground Connor walked on, and treated him like the little prince he was, and now he was stood in front of his own son looking so vulnerable and scared, like a rabbit caught in some headlights, doubting his ability as a father. It was side to Greg you rarely saw, but when you did, it broke your heart.

Greg promptly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, before he slowly made his way over to the bed. A crooked smiled spread on his lips as he sat down on the bed the other side of Connor. Connor instantly looked up at Greg, smiling as he crawled onto his lap "I love you daddy" He said, as he wrapped his arms around Greg's neck. Greg smiled, as he lightly placed kiss on his forehead "I love you too, so much" He said, Connor smiled, nuzzling his head into Greg's neck "Tired" He grumbled sleepily, his arms clinging around Greg's neck as he slowly closed his eyes "Let's get you back home" He soothed, tenderly rubbing his back.


After finally getting home from the hospital, You immediately slumped on the sofa whilst Greg put Connor to sleep. Suddenly, Greg slumped on the sofa next to you, he sighed as he stressfully unbuttoned his shirt. You instantly turned to him, massaging your fingertips into his shoulders, causing him to groan "Greg, Chill out" You said "Connor's fine. He's going to be fine" You added, He took another deep breath, before looking over to you "It's my job to keep him safe, not expose him to danger" He huffed "He's 2 years old. You can't wrap him in cotton wool, He's going to have accidents, it's a natural part of growing up" You said, resting your head on his shoulder. He sighed, sliding his arm around your shoulder "It doesn't make me feel any better, [Y/n]" He said, you took a deep breath, rolling your eyes at him "Greg Lestrade, you are too stubborn for your own good" You smiled. A smirk twitched on his lips as he pressed a kiss to your lips "I love you so much [Y/n]" He murmured "I love you too" You said "And stop blaming yourself for today, It wasn't your fault. You're a brilliant dad" You paused, kissing him again "You got that, Lestrade?" You said, he smirked at you "Loud and clear" He replied "Good. Now stop moping around and kiss me you fool" He smiled, laughing lightly,before pressing his lips to yours again.


Thank you for the votes/comments. Enjoy x

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