One More Night.

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You watched the rain as it furiously lashed against the dirty bus window. You'd just finished school and had had another bad day, you hated it- You were only 15 and still had another year and a half to go until you could leave. You couldn't handle it anymore.

Suddenly- You felt someone sit down beside you.

You sighed and rolled your eyes, ready to turn to them and tell them to bugger off when your eyes landed on Greg Lestrade, your best friend.

Greg Lestrade was 17 years old and went to a different school from you- But on one random winter's morning, you sat next to him on the bus by chance and since then- you'd sat next to each other every morning and afternoon for 2 years- It was now part of your routine.

"Bad day?" He questioned. You nodded and he affectionately wrapped his arm around you.

You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder "I hate it Greg" You grumbled.

"You'll be out of there before you know it" He said "Then I'll take you to London, like we talked about" He smiled endearingly down at you.

You laughed lightly "You're leaving school this year- You won't want to know me a year from now" You said.

Greg nervously bit his lip as he watched you intensely "(Y/N)" He murmured.

You slowly looked up at him and his dark brown eyes locked with yours.

"I like you" He paused, as he shyly looked down at his lap before he slowly lifted his gaze again "I really like you" He said.

You felt your heart drop to your stomach as his words seem to hang in the air, wrapping you in a warm, fuzzy feeling. At this moment, you found yourself unable to speak and simply gave Greg a small smile, Greg smiled back and knew straight away what that meant- you liked him too.

17 Years Later

You woke up gasping for breath, soaked in your own sweat. You slowly sat upright, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself before you looked over to the clock. 3:00am.

Every night, every single night- You'd dreamt of him since he'd left and it was getting worse.

It had been 7 weeks of hell, pure living hell. He was your first thought in the morning and last at night.

It had been 7 weeks of sleepless nights, 7 weeks of constantly crying, 7 weeks of staring for hours at pictures of him, because you just wanted him back.

He'd been all you'd known for 17 years- and he was your first everything. He was your Greg and always would be- At least, that's what you thought.

The arguments had always been there- It's an inevitable part of being a couple. But you never thought they would become unbearable. You'd argue every day, about anything and everything. It was killing you- and it was killing the relationship.

Then Greg started to do more hours at The Yard and slowly, but surely, he began to fade from your life- and that's when he called things off. The worst day of your life. And it had haunted you ever since.

You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, before you pulled one of Greg's t-shirts from underneath the pillow and pressed your nose to it. The faded musk of his cologne filling your senses.

Suddenly, your phone pinged on the nightstand, you frowned in confusion, before you reached over to it and grabbed it from the side.

From: Greg

I miss you.

You felt your heart skip a beat as you read the message 100 times over. A small smile curled on your lips and you tapped out a reply.

To: Greg

I miss you too.

You took a deep breath as you pressed send and tightly clutched the phone to your chest and waited for what felt like a lifetime for a response.

From: Greg

Then come to mine. I want just one more night with you, where I can just have you asleep next to me. One more night, where I can just feel your heartbeat rise and fall as you sleep peacefully. One more night, where you rest your head against my chest and I wrap my arms tightly around you. One more night where I feel the warmth of your skin on mine. One more night, where we can just pretend we didn't screw up. One more night, where you're still mine

A tear rolled down your cheek as you read the message. You promptly wiped your eyes before you replied.

To: Greg

I'm coming now.


You waited anxiously at the front door, moving back and forth on the balls of your feet, a mix of nerves and coldness taking over your body.

Suddenly, the door flew open and your eyes instantly locked with Greg's smouldering brown ones. And it was like you'd come alive again.

His lips formed that all too familiar smile, before he unexpectedly lunged towards you and tightly embraced you in a hug. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you hugged him tightly back.

He then slowly released himself from your embrace, and without a word, he took your hand and lead you through the hallway, before he shut the door.

You then silently made your way upstairs and into his bedroom.


Greg took a deep breath as he looked over to you again, each time looking more and more vulnerable.

"Greg" You murmured, as you slowly made your way across the room to him.

His breath hitched as you placed your hand on his arm. He looked a mess, Yes- It was 4:00am, but he had noticeably lost weight, had dark circles under his eyes and his growing stubble aged him considerably.

"Just lay with me" He said, his voice sounded broken.

Once you had both climbed into bed, Greg pulled the covers over you and instantly wrapped his arms around you, you held tightly onto his hand draped over your chest, your back pressed against him.

He lightly kissed your neck and you groaned softly. You'd missed this, more than anything. The feel of his lips against your skin and the way his body felt against yours.

"God, I've missed this" You said, the same broken tone laced in his voice. It then fell silent and then you knew why. His muffled sobs filled the room and you, yourself instantly felt a tear fall down your cheek.

"Me too" You murmured. You felt his arms tighten around you and you slowly began to close your eyes. Knowing that you would finally get a good night's sleep- having your Greg by your side.


Hey Guys. 

So, I'm back home earlier than expected and rushed to get this done ASAP to upload as I'm going to a foam party later- WOOP WOOP.

Anyway, I hope you like it and thank you for all the votes/comments/reads.

Couple questions for you guys...

1. What's been your favourite one so far?

2. What would you like to see more of in the future?

Let me know, and I'll try to write ones that you guys like reading. But Yeah, hope y'all having a good weekend. Loveee. x 

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