The Elevator

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You promptly broke out into a slight run as you made your way through the entrance of Scotland Yard. It was Monday morning, you were late and you were soaked from the heavy rain that decided to start as soon as you began to walk from the train station. Today was not your day.

You swiftly entered the elevator and pressed the button to close the door, when a man came charging towards the door and abruptly forced it open again. You groaned inwardly and rolled your eyes as Greg Lestrade awkwardly got into the elevator and stood beside you. He smiled timidly at you, but you did not return the gesture. You despised Greg Lestrade.

*Greg's POV*

I quickly dashed for the elevator, reaching it just in the nick of time to force the doors open and get in. My heart dropped to my stomach as I saw (Y/N) (L/N) glaring back at me in the elevator. She groaned inwardly and rolled her eyes at my presence, before she looked down at the floor.

I immediately felt uncomfortable at being in such a confined space with someone that I knew hated my guts, though I had no idea why. I subtly looked over to her, but not subtly enough as she immediately looked up from the floor and back at me. I smiled timidly at her, but she did not return the gesture.

I sighed inwardly and awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. Luckily, the elevator began to slowly rise. Only 4 floors to go, I thought to myself. (Y/N) worked on the 5th floor, and although I never really had much to do with her, she made it abundantly clear to not only myself, but pretty much the whole yard she hated me. I was clueless as to the reason why.

Suddenly, just as we passed the 1st floor, the elevator came to an abrupt halt. The two of us violently stumbled forward at the sudden impact of the elevator stopping. (Y/N) instantly looked up at me, a stern expression on her face "What did you do?!" She snapped. I widened my eyes in surprise at her "I didn't do anything" I replied.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at me, before she began to press various buttons on the wall "Don't press anything. You'll make it worse" I said calmly. (Y/N) huffed in annoyance and abruptly swivelled round to face me "I don't think it can get much worse!" She snapped, before she turned back around and continued to press more buttons. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes in exasperation.

*Your POV*

You growled in frustration as you frantically continued to press the buttons on the panel. Today really was not your day. "(Y/N), Just stop it. It won't do anything" Greg said. You angrily clenched your jaw "Would you just shut up?!" You snapped irately. Suddenly, the speaker in the elevator came to life and a voice echoed through it.

"Madam, If you could stop pressing the buttons, we would very much appreciate that. We are currently experiencing power problems, and we have lost power throughout the whole building. We are currently trying to get everything back up and running. Thank you for your patience and please remain calm."

"Thank you" Greg said politely. You heatedly threw your arms in the air "Yes! Thank you for making me even more late!" You screamed. Greg stared uncomfortably at you as you paced the elevator, before sinking to the floor, your back pressed against the cold steel of the elevator "Don't look at me like that" You grumbled as you stressfully ran your hands through your hair.

Greg smiled half-heartedly at you, before he too sat on the floor. He rested his elbows on his knees and watched you closely "Stop it" You snapped as you buried your face into your hands, trying to block Greg Lestrade from your mind "Stop what?" You growled in frustration as Greg spoke again "Just be quiet!" You snapped.

*Greg's POV*

"Just be quiet!" She snapped irately. I furrowed my brow at her. Unsure of what to say or do next, whatever I seemed to do, it annoyed her. I just didn't understand why she disliked me so much. Suddenly, the speaker came to life, and the voice echoed through it again.

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