Birthday Kiss.

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You timidly walked through the offices of Scotland Yard, your hands clutched firmly onto a stack of important files you'd been told to gather together for DI Greg Lestrade, the detective you'd had a secret crush on from the moment you met him, something he knew nothing about, you didn't even think he knew your name.

You knocked on his office door, a nervous sigh escaped your lips as you waited for a signal to enter "Come in!" His deep tone announced from the other side of the door. You nervously opened the door "Hello" He smiled as you entered "(Y/N), right?" He questioned. You nodded, before you dropped your gaze to the floor as you felt your cheeks rise in heat as you realized he knew your name "I have these for you" You said as you looked up at him again. He nodded, a crooked smile on his face as you walked over to his desk "A few files from a couple of your previous cases. I've re-organised them, highlighted and labelled any important sections" You explained, You blushed again as you noticed his watchful gaze on you "You did all that?" He questioned, his head tilted at an angle, as his smouldering brown eyes looked up at you "Urm, Yes. I thought it'd be better just in case you needed them again" You mumbled awkwardly. His lips twitched into a smile "That's very sweet of you" Greg automatically cringed at his response. He'd developed an interest in you a few months back, when you randomly entered his office one morning, asking him if he would like a coffee, he accepted your offer, and you'd seen each other near enough every day since then, but had never spoken properly.

Greg smiled awkwardly at you, as he suddenly realized he'd most probably been staring at you for a little bit too long "It's not a problem, Detective. I should be getting back to work now" You smiled, He nodded "I probably should as well" He chuckled "Have a good day, Greg" You said "You too, (Y/N)" He replied, an affectionate smile on his face.


Greg yawned, as he stretched his arms. It was 11:30pm, 30 minutes until his birthday was over and not a single person had wished him Happy Birthday. Not that he'd ever told anybody when his birthday was. He would've liked if just one person would take an interest in him, and actually want to know when his birthday was. Even his wife hadn't remembered, although from the amount of people she had been with, Greg wasn't surprised she'd forgotten his birthday, he was just one of many notches in her bed post.He huffed, as he closed the door to his office "Happy birthday to me" He sighed, as he turned to leave. He then noticed a small box on the floor in front of his office door. Curious, he bent down and picked it up. He briefly examined the small red box, neatly wrapped in white ribbon, before he opened the lid to discover a small, folded note, placed on a layer of red tissue. He picked it up, his eyebrows creased as he read the message.

Happy Birthday Greg. I do hope I've got this right. (Y/N). x 

He frowned in confusion, as he took out the red tissue paper, discarding it on the floor. He gasped, as he looked down at the bottom of the box, inside was a sterling silver Arsenal FC keyring, his favourite football team. A smile twitched on his lips, as he picked up another envelope, a sense of excitement overcoming him as he opened it up. His lips spread into a huge smile as he opened the envelope to find 2 tickets for a tour of Arsenal's home ground.

Suddenly, a noise broke him from his thoughts, he looked up to see you blissfully unaware of his presence "Thank you" You jumped, a shrill gasp escaped your lips as you turned to him "I thought everyone had left" You said, He shook his head as he slowly walked over to you "I was just leaving when I found this" He said, You smiled bashfully at him as he held up the birthday present you had gotten him "It is the right team, isn't it?" You laughed, He chuckled "Yes, it is. Thank you so much" He murmured, You smiled shyly at him "You're more than welcome" You smiled, Your breath hitched as your gaze locked with his. You then subconsciously leant into him, he smiled as you pressed a soft kiss on his cheek "Happy Birthday Greg Lestrade" You murmured, before you gradually turned away. Unexpectedly, Greg's arm coiled around your waist, as he span you back round again. He smiled charmingly at you, before passionately pressing his lips to yours. You groaned, overwhelmed by this heated exchange. You felt his smile against your lips, as you ran your hand through his silver hair. He then gradually pulled away, You stared breathlessly at him, as his hand cupped your face "Thank you" He murmured, as his thumb grazed your cheek "Would you like me to walk you home?" He questioned, You nodded, still speechless from your kiss. He smiled as he took your hand, and you leisurely strolled through the office.

He subtly looked over to you, a doting smile on his face. Maybe this birthday wasn't so bad after all.


Hello, Thought I'd update a new one shot. Hope you like this one, not too sure about it. But I'm going to be very tight time wise over the next few weeks, as my tutor has just given me my new assignment, and i have 3/4 deadlines i need to meet over the next few weeks, so I'm not really sure when I'll have the time to update my stories on here. But I've tried to figure out a little schedule for my days of the week, to organize my life a little bit, so my designated update days will either be Monday/Wednesday/Friday. So yeah. Thank you for all the reads/votes/comments. Appreciate it. x

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