The Bake Off.

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You hummed cheerfully as you neatly arranged all of the ingredients you were about to use. Your 7 year old son, Harry was taking part in a Charity bake sale at school and being the Do-It-Yourself mother and fanatic baker you were, you'd agreed to bake some cakes- and had roped your husband, Greg into helping you too.

"(Y/N), Darling, We could just buy some from the shop" Greg paused as he leant against the worktop beside you "I'll go now" He added. You frowned and swatted him playfully "Greg Lestrade- I am not buying shop bought cakes" You scolded.

Greg laughed lightly and shook his head "You're so stubborn" He teased. You playfully stuck your tongue out at him "Just get an apron on and start helping me" You said, as you carefully began to pour some flour into the mixing bowl.

"How many are we making?" Greg questioned. You shrugged and turned to face him as you finished pouring the flour. A laugh escaped your lips and Greg pouted sulkily at you "It's not funny" He huffed.

You bit down on your lip again as you tried not to laugh at your husband, who was stood wearing a pink floral frilly apron "You looked pretty" You teased. Greg frowned at you and promptly chucked a tea towel at you, which you caught.

"HA! Unlucky!" You yelled. He smirked slightly, before he made his way over to you. His eyes scanned the array of ingredients laid out on the counter "Why don't you get Harry to help?" Greg suggested.

You shook your head "You know how much of a mess he'll make" You paused as you threw a scoop of butter into the mix "Takes after his father" You laughed. Greg nudged you playfully "Crack that egg for me please" You said.

Greg groaned inwardly and grabbed the egg from the side, before he promptly cracked it against the edge of the bowl "Careful you don't get bits in it" You warned. Greg rolled his eyes "Yes Mary Berry" He mumbled as he dropped the egg into the bowl.

"Just get on with it" You chirped back as you began to whisk all the mix together "See, It's not that hard" You paused as you looked over to Greg leant against the counter "Is it?" He shrugged "I don't know. You're doing all the work" He said.

You promptly passed the bowl over to Greg "Here" You paused "You do some then" You said. He sighed and took the bowl from you, before he gradually started to whisk the mixture.

"Do it nicely!" You said. Greg widened his eyes at you "I am!" He exclaimed "Don't sabotage my bake off, Lestrade!" You warned.

He narrowed his eyes at you, before he began to whisk the mix faster and deliberately flicked some of the mixture at you. You gaped at him in horror as several splats of it landed across your cheek.

"Give me that!" You growled through gritted teeth. Greg giggled hysterically as you began to grow angry. He'd always found it amusing when you got angry- mainly because you got so flustered, like you were now.

You huffed in annoyance at him as you began to finish whisking the mix, when Greg quickly poked his finger into the mixture and licked it off his finger.

"Eurgh. You are so disgusting. There's raw egg in there" You said. He chuckled and playfully stuck his tongue out before he stuck his finger in the mix again and did the same "Greg!" You scolded, swatting his hand away as he attempted to do it a third time.

Greg pouted at you as you tried to conceal the bowl from him "Oh come on" He pleaded "Just one more lick" He giggled as he grabbed you from behind and pulled you into him.

"Greg! NO!" You shouted as he picked you up. Suddenly, he poked your side and you dropped the mixture to the floor "GREG LESTRADE!" You shouted.

A silence filled the room as you both stared down at the mixture on the floor.You then heard Greg's muffled laugh behind you. You huffed angrily before you picked up the bowl and abruptly put it on his head.

He stood there blankly for a moment, the mixture dripping down his face and you tried to hold back laughter. He then took the bowl off his head and placed it over your head. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to refrain yourself from exploding with anger.

"Mummy!" You heard Harry shout "Daddy!" He shouted again. Before he appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. He then burst out laughing as he looked at you and Greg, the pair of you covered in cake mixture, you with the bowl still over your head.

"Mummy!" He exclaimed "You look silly. Why have you got that on your head?" He asked. You then promptly took the bowl off your head "Daddy put it on there" You said and he giggled hysterically, before he looked over at Greg.

Greg flashed him a cheesy grin and Harry rushed over to him, jumping in his arms. Greg smiled affectionately at him as he picked him up "God, you're getting heavy" He exclaimed as Harry wrapped his arms around Greg's neck.

Harry smiled at Greg and pressed a kiss to his cheek "It's because I'm getting strong daddy" He said. Greg nodded "Yeah you are, you're going to be strong like me" Greg replied.

You smiled affectionately at the two of them, as they chatted away, in a world of their own. Harry was a true daddy's boy and doted on Greg, as Greg did Harry. You never grew tired of watching them together. It melted your heart.

"Are you making the cakes for my sale?" Harry asked as he looked at the worktop of ingredients, before he looked down at the mess on the floor "We were, but Daddy was being silly" You said. Harry then looked over to Greg, and gave him a disapproving look.

Greg laughed "Mummy was too!" He exclaimed. You childishly scrunched your face up at Greg as he looked over to you. He winked cheekily at you, before he turned back to Harry.

"Why don't we go to the shops and buy some cakes... You can choose?" He said. Harry nodded excitedly "No, we'll make them again" You exclaimed. Greg and Harry both looked at you with big brown eyes and pouts on their faces.

You huffed "Fine, shop brought it is" They both cheered. You couldn't say no to the Lestrade charm.


Hey Guys! Here is your Friday update... Which might I add is on time! YAY!

Thank you for the comments/votes on the previous ones. You guys are so so nice and I love reading your comments. Hope you enjoy this one. Lovee :).  

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