A Surprise At Christmas.

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"Snap!" Sherlock shouted. You jumped out of your skin at your brother's loud tone "Damnit Sherlock! Calm down, it's just a game" You yelled, running your hands through your hair. Sherlock laughed as he glanced up at you "Made you jump, did i?" He teased. You narrowed your eyes at him, before you tossed your cards on the table.

It was Christmas Eve, and like always, you spent the afternoon round your brother Sherlock's flat, with his flatmate John, their landlady Mrs Hudson, your boyfriend Greg and your other brother Mycroft. The others had yet to arrive "Where is everyone?" You huffed and leant back in your chair.

Sherlock shrugged as he shuffled the deck of cards back up "I haven't a clue. They were meant to be here an hour ago. I think John and Mrs Hudson went food shopping" He explained. You nodded and pulled your phone out of your pocket to text Greg.

To: Gregory Lestrade.

Where are you? You're an hour late! x

You tapped send and Greg replied instantaneously.

From: Gregory Lestrade.

I'm sorry. I'm 2 minutes away. The car broke down. Had to get a taxi. x

You smiled at his response before you put your phone away "Greg's on his way" You announced. Sherlock nodded "So is Mycroft" He then got up and walked over to front door, pulling it open. Mycroft then stepped through the door and you beamed with delight at him "Myc!" You greeted cheerfully. Mycroft smiled lovingly at you and opened his arms out to you as you skipped over to him.

"How are you, my darling sister?" He asked, pressing a delicate kiss on your cheek "I'm great. How are you?" You replied. Mycroft nodded "I'm very well. I see you had another senior promotion at work. Congratulations" Mycroft nodded. You furrowed your brow at him "How did you know that? I haven't told anyone" You asked in confusion. Mycroft quirked his eyebrows in amusement "A gentleman never tells" He teased.

"Sorry! I'm sorry I'm late" Greg announced breathlessly as he clumsily barged into the flat. The three of you all looked over to him, a look of surprise on your faces at his dramatic entrance "Apology accepted" Sherlock said. Greg smiled sheepishly at him, before he made his way over to you, hugging you affectionately and placing a soft kiss on your cheek "Hey" He said "Hey" You replied, smirking at him.

He gave you a funny look, before he ran his hand across his chin "Have I got something on my face?" He asked. You shook your head "No, I'm just happy to see you" You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. Greg smiled and hugged you back "Merry Christmas baby" He murmured. Mycroft gagged at Greg's use of the affectionate term "Please, as if Christmas isn't bad enough. Spare me the lovey dovey display" He said.

"Merry Christmas" You replied. Greg smiled and took your hand as he led you into the kitchen "Let's get the Christmas drinks going" He said "I'll second that" Mycroft said, raising his hand "I can't Greg. I have the BMW test drive in an hour" You said. Greg huffed and rolled his eyes "Oh I forgot about that" He said. Mycroft frowned at you "Why? You don't need a new car" He said. Greg scoffed "Because she can afford one" He said as he reached into the cupboard for the whiskey.

You smiled in excitement as you watched Greg pour himself and Mycroft a drink. Little did he know that the car was really for him, the whole 'test drive story' was a coverup so he didn't find out what you were really getting him for Christmas and you couldn't wait to see his reaction when he found out the car was for him.

"Hello dears! We're back" Mrs Hudson called as her and John entered the flat "Ah! Mrs Hudson!" Sherlock exclaimed, jumping off of the sofa "Did you get the coffee?" He asked. Mrs Hudson nodded "Yes Sherlock, Of course I did" She replied, Sherlock cheered and promptly helped Mrs Hudson with the shopping bags "John! Come and get a drink" Greg shouted as John appeared through the door.

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