All I Want For Christmas Is You [Part 2.] // John/Lestrade.

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You ran down the corridor, pushing your way through various crowds of people stood talking or making out, until you got to the exit of the building. You forced the door open with both hands and instantly felt the cold air hit you, you stopped for a moment as you watched little snowflakes fall from the sky, a small smile twitched on your lips, before you remembered what you came out here for and began to look around to see if you could see any sign of John. When you noticed somebody walking in the distance.

"JOHN!" You shouted as loud as you could. The figure stopped briefly, before they continued walking again and that's when you knew it was him, so you continued to run for your life over to him.

"John, Please!" You said as you caught up with him. He still continued to ignore you, so you huffed irately and tapped his shoulder "Would you go away?!" He snapped as he turned around, your face instantly turned red as you realised it wasn't John at all, it was somebody you'd never met before "I'm really sorry" You mumbled "Merry Christmas" You added as a peace offering. The man smiled slightly at you, before he walked down the street "Fuck!" You cursed as you ran your hands through your hair "Fuck, fuck! FUCK!" You screamed irately.

"Well, that's not going to help matters, is it?" You gasped and swiftly turned around to see Mycroft stood behind you "God dammit Mycroft!" You scolded "Why do you always fucking creeping up on people?" You snapped. Mycroft smirked "Because it amuses me my dear" He said. You narrowed your eyes at him "What do you want? Come to gloat, because you're always right" You snapped "No, actually" He paused and stepped forward "I've come to help you" He said. You furrowed your brow at him "You're looking for John, yes?" He said "Yes" You replied.

"He's making his way down Oxford Street as we speak" He explained "If you leave now, you'll get there in time to catch him" He added. You scoffed "Mycroft, I'm not flash gordon. How fast do you expect me to run?" You said. Mycroft smiled in amusement "Who said I expected you to run?" He said, just then a black car pulled up beside you "He'll get you there in time" He said. You smiled uncontrollably at him "Thank you" You said, before you jumped in the car.


"Thanks" You said before you promptly jumped out the car and instantly began to run down the street, it was fairly empty, which reassured you that you might just find him in time "JOHN WATSON!" You screamed, stopping and looking around the street. Nothing. You sighed and ran further down the street "JOHN!" You shouted again before stopping and looking up and down the street. You huffed in frustration, you were never going to find him. You despondently looked up and down the road before you could cross, when you spotted him walking past Selfridges. You immediately ran across the road.

"John!" You yelled as you reached the other side of the road. You watched as John swiftly turned around, a blank expression on his face as his eyes meet yours "What.. What are you doing here?" He questioned. You took a deep breath, before you stepped closer to him "I wanted to find you" You said. John didn't say anything, instead he just stared at you as though he was waiting for you to say something else "And?" He said. You shrugged "Nothing happened with Greg" You said. John tightly clenched his jaw "Right, that's good to know" He said.

"I'm sorry. I knew you were upset and you told me not to make a show of myself" You explained. John scoffed and shook his head as he looked down at the floor "Is that..." He stopped suddenly and took a deep breath "Is that why you think I'm upset?" He murmured, his voice hoarse. You stared blankly at him as he stared intensely at you, his eyes glistening under the christmas lights above. You swallowed the forming lump in your throat "Aren't you?" You questioned. John took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair "Oh god" He mumbled.

"What?" You said. John ignored you and took another deep breath "What is it John? You're scaring me" You said as you watched him getting more and more worked up. He then froze for a moment, before he looked up at you again "I... Ever since we..." He huffed and dropped his gaze to the floor, shaking his head and mumbling things to himself under his breath "John, why are you being like this? Just tell me, you can tell me anything" You said "No, I can't." He murmured as he looked down at the floor.

You furrowed your brow in confusion "What? Why not? I'm your best friend" You said. He laughed lightly "Exactly" He murmured, before he looked up at you "So how could I possibly tell you? When you haven't realized this whole time" He said. You looked at him in confusion "What... What do you need to tell me John?" You asked gradually. You watched John as a tear cascaded down his cheek "Don't make me say it. Please" He said. The two of you stood silently for a few minutes, your heart racing "John, you're really confusing me right now" You said. John clenched his jaw "Are you really that oblivious?" He said.

"To what?" You whispered, almost inaudibly "ME!" John exclaimed, pausing for a moment to take another deep breath "I love you (Y/N)" John said "I love you too" You said back "You know that" You added. John sighed "You don't though, do you?" John paused "At least not the way I do" He added. Your eyes widened as you finally realized what he was saying "Shit" You mumbled. John chuckled lightly "That's why I never told you" He said "Because you don't feel like that, you never did" He said, before he begun to walk away. You briefly closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"I did though" You blurted out. John stood and slowly turned back around "What?" He said "I was scared, John. I was so scared" You mumbled "This feeling... It was so strong, I was so scared that one day it would be ripped away somehow" You said, finally letting everything out "That one day, you could simply turn around and say I don't want to be with you anymore" You added, taking a deep breath "I had to end it. I didn't want to" You paused again and looked up at John, who was watching you intensely.

"It terrifies me John. That you can love someone so much, but have no control over how the other person feels about you inside. That one day, it... It might not be there anymore" You explained. John watched you intensely, before he lifted his hand up to your cheek "Oh, (Y/N)" He murmured, taking a deep breath as tears began to cascade down his cheeks "I could never not love you" He said "And I've got a lifetime to prove that" He said. You stared despondently down at the floor, before he gently placed his hand under your chin and guided your line of vision back up to him.

He then promptly leant into you and pressed a kiss against your lips, butterflies arose in the pit of your stomach and one of your hands slipped around the back of his neck, he groaned in response. Your lips moved rhythmically with his as you held the kiss for a few moments longer, before he pulled away "(Y/N)" He said breathlessly as he looked you right in the eye "Do you trust me?" He said. You smiled softly at him and nodded "I trust you" You whispered. He smiled affectionately at you, before he leant into you again, pressing another kiss to your lips "Merry Christmas" He said breathlessly as he broke the kiss "Merry Christmas John Watson" You said, smiling affectionately at him. 


Hey Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for all the comments and votes on the previous part, I hope you enjoy this one. But I wanted to let you guys know about something, Basically...

Although, this one shot did feature Greg in it, it was mainly a John one, so I wondered what you guys thought of the idea of me creating another book with one shots of all the characters i.e Sherlock, Lestrade, Mycroft, John, Moriarty. You would also be able to put in requests for one shots too in the comments or whatever. I'd also do Teen oneshots and joint ones too, and possibly a short story or series for each character with a proper storyline, which would be like 4/5 long chapters. I don't know, I want to do something different, so let me know if you guys would enjoy reading that?

Thanks for reading up until this point if you have. All the love. x 

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