Wrapped Up.

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"Greg!" Greg took a deep breath as he heard your voice from out in the hallway. He quickly fixed his hair, before the door swung open. Greg sat upright, a sheepish smile on his face as you confidently entered his office.

He felt his heart drop to his stomach as he gave you a once over. Your (H/L), (H/C) hair was styled to perfection, silky smooth and not a hair out of place, your (S/C) skin had a soft honey glow to it, from a recent holiday abroad you'd just been on, enhancing your piercing (E/C) eyes, making Greg weak at the knees- and your altogether, cute and delicate facial features made Greg's head spin with affectivity.

"Nice holiday?" Greg questioned. You nodded and casually sat down in one of his office chairs, smoothing over your pastel pink chiffon shirt as you made yourself comfortable "It was indeed. I am glad to be back in London though" You explained.

Greg felt a half-baked smile spread across his face, as he gazed intently at you. He promptly shook his head and cleared his throat to speak "Good. I bet, ain't no place like home" He mumbled, feeling his cheeks rise in heat under your watchful gaze.

Greg had had a fierce crush on you, ever since you were transferred to Scotland Yard. He was drawn to your cute and delicate features, your charismatic personality and childish humour. He was your boss, but anyone would have thought it was the other way around. You had him wrapped around your finger, and he would do anything for you. On one occasion, even giving up his weekend to help you move into your new flat.

"How have you been anyway? Miss me?" You said, winking charmingly at him. Greg laughed lightly and nervously bit his lip. This had become a regular thing recently, you'd become extremely flirtatious toward Greg and it made his head spin even more, He just didn't know whether you were doing it because you liked him, or to tease him- He'd convinced himself it was a bit of both.

"It has certainly been a lot quieter without you" He replied. You giggled lightly, and Greg felt a fuzzy feeling surface in the pit of his stomach "Haven't been working too hard, have you?" You questioned, smiling affectionately at him. He laughed lightly "When do I ever stop working? I've still got this mountain to get through" Greg replied, as he slapped his hand against a large pile of files on his desk.

Your eyes widened at the amount of work he still had to do "Rather you than me" You mumbled, as you leisurely got up again. Greg stared fretfully up at you "Where are you going?" He questioned, a sheepish look on his face as he realised how desperate he sounded. You looked over to him, a slight smirk on your face, before you looked at your watch.

"I'm going to grab some lunch. I'm starving" You said. Greg furrowed his eyebrows at you "It's 11.30" He stated. You shrugged carelessly "So...?" You paused "Fancy coming as well? I could use some company" You said. Greg indecisively bit his lip "I can't... I've got all this to do" He said, looking over to his paperwork "Oh come on Lestrade, I bet you haven't done anything this exciting since before I went on holiday" You said.

Greg laughed lightly, and gave you confused look "What? Go on an 11:30 lunch?" He questioned "Hell yeah!" You exclaimed. Greg laughed and shook his head, before he got up from his chair "Alright then" He said, grabbing his jacket from his coat rack. You cheered and fist pumped the air, before you happily skipped out of the room. Greg laughed lightly, and smiled affectionately as he followed you out of his office.


You slowly made your way down the line, your stomach rumbling from how hungry you were "Oh god" You groaned, clutching onto your stomach. Greg promptly looked over to you, a look of concern on his face "Are you okay?" He questioned. You nodded "I'm just so hungry" You whined, Greg rolled his eyes "Jesus, How can you be hungry? You eat like a horse" Greg replied.

You furrowed your brow at Greg "Oi! I do not" You paused "Anyway, I'm trying to be healthy" You said. Greg smirked and chuckled under his breath- to which, you swatted him playfully "Oi!" You said "Don't laugh!" You exclaimed. Greg grazed his tongue along his bottom lip as he tried to conceal the smile on his face.

"Hi, Can I help you?" The woman behind the counter announced as you finally got to the front of the queue. Greg turned and smiled politely at the woman "Can I get a cheeseburger with chips and extra onion rings on the side, and a coffee" He said, the woman nodded before she turned to you "Can I have the same please" You said, the woman nodded, and began to tap quickly on the till "Are you paying together?" She questioned.



You and Greg both looked at each other "I don't have my purse. Could you get it?" You questioned. Greg sighed inwardly and pulled his wallet out of his pocket "Thanks Lestrade" You smiled, sliding your arm around his waist. Greg shifted at the small movement and glanced shyly over at you. You smiled awkwardly at him, before you quickly took your arm away.

"Go and get a table, and I'll be right over" Greg mumbled, you nodded and quickly strode away to go and find a table.

A few minutes later, Greg gradually walked over to you. He stood hesitantly over you for a few moments, before he smiled nervously at you "Sorry, but i've just a text and I have to go" He explained. You huffed in annoyance "What about the food?" You questioned, He shrugged "I'm sorry. I'll see you later" He said. You nodded glumly and he quickly left your side and made his way out of the restaurant.

You took a deep breath and ran your hands through your hair, staring despondently around the restaurant. You then froze, as a thought arose in your head. A small smile curled on your lips as eagerly got up and left the restaurant as well.


Greg rubbed his face groggily, as he sleepily walked through to his office. It was 1:20am, and he'd only just got back from a bust on the other side of London, It was longer than expected and unlike everyone else working on the bust, Greg faced a mountain of paperwork he had to complete by tomorrow morning. He took a deep breath as he gradually opened the door to his office. He sluggishly slipped off his jacket, letting it slip to the floor as he turned to switch his light on. He yawned loudly and turned around, before nearly jumping out of his skin.

"Jesus fucking christ" He gasped, as his eyes landed on you, sat casually with your feet up at his desk. There was a few moments pause, as Greg scanned his desk, noticing that the mountain of files he had to go through, was gone.

A small smile curled on your lips as you slowly got up, and made your way around the desk to him. You stood quietly in front of him for a moment, his smouldering brown eyes locking with yours "I'd do anything for you to, Lestrade" You murmured, before you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and left his office.

Greg stood frozen for a second, the sound of his heartbeat was the only thing that could be heard in the room. He then felt his body relax and breathed a deep sigh of relief, all the nerves and tension he'd felt around you were gone, because, he knew, you felt the same way too.


Hey Guys- Another Friday upload, hope you enjoy it, although I feel like i've done something similiar to this one before. So sorry, if you get a bit of de ja vu reading this- But i'm in 2 minds whether to stop this oneshot series. As I've been struggling to come up with ideas recently. What do you guys think? How would you feel about that?

Anyway, Thanks for the votes/comments on this oneshot series. I hope you all have a good weekend. :)

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