Skeletons // Part 2 {Lestrade/Moriarty}

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*10 years earlier*

"James Moriarty!" You giggled. Jim smiled to himself as he crept up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He grinned like a cheshire cat as he rested his chin on your shoulder and brushed his lips against your neck.

Jim chuckled. He'd never felt such happiness in his life. Meeting you at University was the making of him, he'd never felt so alive and so happy. Even though he was young, he wasn't afraid to admit he was totally in love "Today's the day" He murmured. You laughed lightly and slowly turned around to face him.

Today was the day Jim had been waiting for, for the past 6 months. He had worked so hard, day in, day out to get a graduate position that was being offered at the prestigious pharmaceutical company, UCB. And today, with just one other person in the run-in, whom he didn't know the identity of, he would find out if all his hard work had paid off.

"Are you nervous?" You questioned. He shrugged and pulled you closer into him "No. Even if I don't get this, I'm still the luckiest man in the world" He paused and looked affectionately at you with his soft brown eyes "Why?" You questioned "Because I've got you" He murmured, pressing a kiss to your lips.

"Come on, Let's get a move on" You paused and took his hand "You've only got like an hour" Jim smiled as you tightened your grip around his hand and pulled him through campus.


Jim felt his heart pound against his chest as he entered the room where Professor Shaw was there to give him the news. He clenched his hand around yours and you pulled him over to Professor Shaw's desk.

"Ah, Hello" Professor Shaw welcomed. He then stood up, a brown envelope in his hand. Jim's knees quivering at the sight of it. Professor Shaw paused for a moment and locked his gaze with Jim's "Congratulations" He said. A smile instantly spread across Jim's face as he spoke, but it soon dropped as the Professor turned to you.

"(Y/N), You done an excellent job. UCB will be lucky to have you" Professor Shaw said. You nodded and casually took the envelope from him. Jim gaped in horror and looked over to you, all the colour draining from his face "You... You're the other person" Jim mumbled.

"Yes. (Y/N) was the other graduate. And the only graduate in the run-in Mr Moriarty" Professor Shaw announced. Jim slowly turned to Professor Shaw, a dazed expression on his face "Excuse me?" Jim said "You will not be graduating, Mr Moriarty. You have breached serious University rules" Professor Shaw said "How you thought you could cheat your way to this position, I do not know" He finished sternly.

Jim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his whole body numb "C-cheat?" He stammered "Yes. I have compared your paper to (Y/N's) and it is identical" Professor Shaw said. Jim slowly looked over to you. You gave him a wry smile, the gesture feeling like a punch in the gut to him "But.. But I wrote that paper" Jim said feebly. Professor Shaw scoffed "Don't take me for a fool, Moriarty. I have seen the dates. The date of your paper is 2 months after (Y/N) wrote hers" He paused.

"You will be immediately ejected from the University. You will not be graduating from this course and you will most definitely not be getting a job at UCB. I will personally make sure that they, or any other pharmaceutical company know what a fraud you are. Now get out of my sight!" Professor Shaw vented. Jim stood frozen in absolute shock and horror. His whole body went into a melt down and his heart felt as though it had been ripped from his chest.

"OUT!" Professor Shaw shouted. Jim jumped and promptly turned to leave the room. Tears pooled in his eyes as he pushed the door open and instantly dropped to his knees in the corridor. He let out a heart-wrenching sob as he buried his head in his hands. His whole world crumbling all at once. All the happiness he'd felt over the past few months, completely sucked out of him. He was broken.

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