Man Flu.

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You frowned hard as you fiddled with your pen, trying to think of something to write for this draft proposal for work. You huffed in annoyance, before you chucked the pen across the desk and stressfully ran your hands through your hair. You'd been sat in the same spot for over 3 hours now and had just about managed to write the title. You hated working from home, you never got anything done and it always meant you had more work to catch up on when you went back into the office.

Suddenly, you heard the front door open "Hello, You in?!" You heard your husband Greg shout as he entered your apartment "I'm in the office!" You yelled back. You took a deep breath, pushing your proposal to the side as you waited for Greg to come into the room, when you received a text message. 1 New Message: Sherlock Holmes.

Be Careful. He's contagious.


You frowned in confusion at the screen, then Greg entered the room and as soon as you looked up at him, you knew exactly what Sherlock meant.

"Jesus christ, you look awful" You blurted out. Greg laughed lightly "It's lovely to see you too" He said sarcastically "This isn't funny Greg, you look awful" You paused and got up to make your way over to him. You stood in front of him for a few seconds, before you lifted your hand to his forehead, he was burning "Greg- You're boiling. Take your clothes off and get in the shower" You said. Greg laughed again "You're keen" He said. You swatted his arm and glared at him.

"You're going to make yourself ill" You snapped. Greg chuckled again and promptly took his jacket off "I'll be fine. I just need a cold beer after the day I've had" He explained "No, you won't Gregory Lestrade. Even Sherlock said you were ill" You said. Greg furrowed his brow at you "Sherlock? When did you see him?" He asked "He text me just as you came through the door" You replied. Greg huffed and rolled his eyes "You know what he's like, always overreacting" He said as he leant into kiss you, but you swiftly rejected his gesture.

Greg widened his eyes and stared blankly at you "What is up with you?" You asked "You're ill Gregory!" You snapped. Greg quirked his brow in amusement "I'm Gregory now, am i?" He questioned "Yes you are" You snapped. Greg bit down on his lip, a playful smirk on his face "Stop it!" You scolded, firmly poking his chest "You know you're ill, you're burning up, you look awful and even Sherlock Holmes deducted you were ill!" You exclaimed. Greg scoffed "Sherlock isn't always right" He replied "He's solved more cases than you" You retorted. Greg looked at you in disbelief.

"Ouch" He paused "That was a low blow" He added "I can go lower" You said. Greg smirked in amusement "I'd like you to" Greg murmured huskily. You abruptly hit him again and he winced "God, you're an arsehole" You snapped "That's abuse!" He exclaimed "So arrest me then Detective Inspector Lestrade!" You exclaimed "I'll get the handcuffs now" He smirked. You then hit him again and this time he chuckled "Right, get out" You paused "I need to try and get this work done" You said. Greg rolled his eyes playfully and turned to the door "And don't come grovelling to me when you're ill tomorrow" You snapped, shutting the door behind him as he left.


The Next Day

You carefully picked up your cup of coffee from the side and made your way back into the bedroom. When you entered, all you saw was a mess of salt and pepper hair sticking out of the top of the duvet. A smirk twitched on your lips as you approached the bed, putting the coffee on the bedside table. You gently ran your hands through Greg's hair and he stirred slightly, letting out a low grumble.

"Time to rise and shine baby" You teased. Greg groaned and lifted the covers off him "Did you make me a coffee?" He asked "Nope" You replied smugly "I made myself one" You added. Greg groaned again and cupped his hands over his face "Can you call Sherlock for me and tell him ill?" He questioned "But you said you weren't ill" You smirked. Greg groaned again and buried his head into his pillow "(Y/N)!" He growled. You chuckled lightly and got up from the bed. Greg promptly lifted his head up and looked over to you "Where are you going?" He grumbled.

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