Undercover // Part 3.

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You slowly woke up to find Jim's side of the bed empty, you groggily rubbed your eyes and checked the time. 6:17am. Your heart sank slightly as you knew Jim was up to something today, your first thought being that he would harm Greg, but you were in no position to tip Greg off about who Jim was and what he was really capable of "(Y/N)!" You jumped as you heard Jim's voice through the corridor.

Suddenly, he appeared by the door, casually leaning against it as he gazed over at you with his smouldering brown pupils "Morning, how's the wrist?" He said, nodding down at it, a slight smirk on his face "You're a bastard" You said. He smiled darkly at you and slowly strolled over to the bed, before he stretched out beside you "I need you to do something for me today" He said as he propped himself up on his elbow.

You raised your eyebrows quizzically at him "Oh, do you now? Well, i'm not sure i can with my wrist, you know?" You teased. Jim chuckled lightly "Oh please, don't give me that. You're a very, very bad girl" He murmured, his lips brushing softly against your ear. You briefly closed your eyes and let out a low grumble as you felt his fingertips trace your lower back "What is it?" You questioned almost subconsciously, as if Jim's touch had some sort of magic touch that made you agree with his every word.

"I need you to take Greg and Sherlock to this address later. I'll text you the time later" He said as he handed you a folded bit of paper. You promptly snapped out of your daydream as you took the piece of paper "What for?" You questioned "Just say you have a lead" He explained "Someone tipped you off that something sinister was happening here" He explained, a light escaping his lips "Jim, you're not going to do anything stupid, are you?" You questioned nervously.

Jim stopped tracing his fingers across your back and looked intensely at you "Why are you so concerned about what i'm going to do?" He paused and ran his tongue across his bottom lip "The only thing you should be concerned about is getting them to that address when I say so, okay?" He snapped assertively. You nodded in response "Okay" You muttered. Jim smiled and nodded "Good, now get up and ready. I want you down at the Yard as soon as possible" He explained as he promptly got up off the bed and left the room.


It was now 8:10am and you were sat in Greg's office at the Yard with Sherlock, going through various leads that Mycroft had picked up, all at the centre of these web of leads was Jim, of course they didn't know who he was, but you did. "Everything okay, (Y/N)?" Sherlock questioned, not looking up from the case file he was looking at. You snapped out of your daydream and looked up at Sherlock "Fine" You replied.

"Well then, help me out with this then" He said, sliding you another case file across the desk. You took a deep breath and lightly traced your fingers across the brown file "Open it then" Sherlock snapped irately. You looked up to him and shot him a glare, before you promptly flicked open the file. You stared intently down at the words across the page, but your brain simply couldn't process them, your mind was too pre-occupied at thought of something happening to Greg and Sherlock later. You couldn't help but think you were leading them to their death. It was a trap, it had to be. Suddenly, the door opened and Greg strode in "Hey G-"

"Jim Moriarty" You blurted out, taking one look at Greg and not physically being able to keep it from him any longer. He stared at you blankly for a second, before he looked over at Sherlock, who looked just as confused "What?" He said. You didn't say anything, instead pointed at the picture of Jim on the board. Greg looked over to the picture of Jim "How do you know?" He questioned "A confidential source. Say's he'll be at this address at 2:00pm today" You explained, pulling the piece of paper that Jim gave you earlier from your pocket and placing it on the table.

Nobody said anything for a moment, then Sherlock quickly leant over and took the paper from the table "Do you think it's safe?" Greg questioned to Sherlock as he read the address on the paper "It's an abandoned warehouse near Canary Wharf" He explained "How dangerous could it be?" He said, a slight smirk twitching on his lips as he looked at Greg "I'll arrange a backup squad" He said. Sherlock instantly shook his head "No, there's no need. Us three will just go" He replied "No, I'm not putting (Y/N) in potential danger" He snapped quickly. Your heart sunk at Greg's word, an overwhelming guilty feeling churning in the pit of your stomach "I'm coming with you" You said sternly.

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