All I Want For Christmas Is You // {John/Greg} Part 1.

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"(Y/N), You're late" John said in a matter of fact tone as you walked over to him. You smiled charmingly, before wrapping your arms around him "Merry Christmas to you too" You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you released him from your embrace "You smell nice. What is that?" You questioned. John huffed and rolled his eyes "It's the one you got me" He replied "Oh, good boy. You do have good taste after all" You teased. John rolled his eyes again.

"Would it kill you to arrive early, or on time at least once when I invite you to things?" He said. You hummed slightly as you thought about your response "Yes, probably. Because then I'd have to rush, which could potentially cause an accident, possibly resulting in my death. So yes, It could kill me." You replied. John tried to hide the grin on his face as he shook his head at you "Will you ever take anything seriously?" He said. You cocked your head to one side, smiling affectionately at him "Do you really want me to answer that?" You said.

John finally gave in, and you watched the smile grow on his face "No, I don't." He said simply "Where's Sherlock?" You questioned "Inside, like everyone else, who got here on time" He replied. You playfully mimicked John's words, before you looped your arm through his "Let's get this Christmas party started" You said excitedly. It was Christmas Eve and you'd been invited to the famous Scotland Yard Christmas party by your best friend, John and you were beyond excited. You'd finally get to meet the rest of John's colleagues and spend much needed time with him too.

"Why has it taken me this long to meet everyone from your work?" You said as you walked down the corridor with John "Because, after what happened, I didn't feel like it was right" He explained "What? Our failed relationship you mean" You questioned. A couple of years ago, you and John had been a couple, but it hadn't quite worked out the way you wanted it to and John took it very hard, which almost resulted in you losing him as a friend, but surprisingly, from the help of Sherlock, you managed to make it through to the other side "Yes, that" John said.

"Does anyone apart from Sherlock know about that?" You questioned. John shook his head "I don't think so. Mycroft might" He said "He somehow manages to find out everything" He explained "Is he here tonight?" You asked. John shook his head "He might show up though, you never know with him" He explained "I'm excited to meet everybody" You said "I'm sure they are just as excited to meet you" John replied sarcastically. You playfully swatted him "You sarcastic arsehole" He chuckled "It's just through here" He said, as you approached a set of double doors at the end of the corridor "And (Y/N)" John paused as he stopped you from walking any further "Please don't get too drunk" He said as you looked at him "I can't make that promise I'm afraid." You said, before you promptly made your way through the doors.

The room was alive with noise: music, people talking, laughing and singing, an array of different coloured lights flashed throughout the room and half the occupants in the room were already drunk. You smiled at the scene in front of you and went straight over to the bar to get your first drink of the night. You weren't wasting anytime. Once you reached the bar, you found a free space between two men in suits, who you assumed were some sort of police officers. One of whom looked over to you straight away, a glint in his eye "Merry Christmas" He said. You looked over to him and smiled "Merry Christmas" You said "Would you like a drink?" He said.

You couldn't help but laugh, you'd literally just walked into the room and someone was already offering you a drink, London men certainly don't waste their time "Yes, I would. But I more than capable of getting one, thank you" You said confidently. The man smirked at your response "You're not easy" He said. You quirked your brow in amusement "Was that what you were hoping for?" You questioned. The man shrugged, evidently drunk "How about we go and find somewhere to chat?" He questioned "Underneath some mistletoe" He added. You laughed in disbelief again.

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