Forbidden Love // Part 1 {Mycroft/Lestrade}

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You clutched the file tightly to your chest as you walked through the offices of Scotland Yard. You smiled to yourself as you caught sight of Greg in his office across the room, talking on the phone to someone. You picked up the pace and swiftly entered Greg's office. Greg looked up at you and gestured for you to sit down.

He winked swiftly at you, before he swivelled round in his chair to look out of the window "I understand" He said seriously down the phone "I'll be sure to keep them under lock and key" He said "Yes, I will be there tomorrow. See you then" He said, before he hung up the phone. Greg smiled as he swivelled back around in his chair "Who was that?" You questioned.

"Your boss" He explained. You nodded "He wants me to come by the office tomorrow. To discuss some things" He explained. You nodded "I'm in the office all day tomorrow" You replied. Greg smirked and bit his lip, before he looked down at the file on your lap "What you got for me today?" He questioned. You smiled and walked over to his desk, placing the file on his desk.

Greg then got up from his chair, resting both hands on the desk. He then looked over your shoulder, before he leant over the desk and pressed a kiss to your lips. You smiled as he gradually pulled away "What If someone saw you?" You questioned. Greg smirked and shook his head "They didn't" He paused and pressed a kiss to your lips again "Anyway" He said as he pulled away again "That's half the fun of it" He added. You widened your eyes in amusement "Not if Mycroft finds out" You said.

You and Greg had been secretly seeing each other for a little under 10 months now, but it was hard work- not because you two were going through a rough patch or anything, but because you weren't allowed to be seeing each other. It was strictly forbidden in the field of your work to become involved with anyone that you worked with or whom your work associated with- and if you did it was almost certain you would lose your job.

You worked for a very secret part of the government and Greg worked for Scotland Yard. The two of you met over a year ago, when your boss Mycroft Holmes acquired Greg's helped through his brother Sherlock, in order to clamp down on major crimes in the UK. You instantly felt something for Greg and it turned out Greg did too, as he asked you out a couple of months later.

"He won't. He's been clueless for 10 months" Greg chuckled as he sat back down in his chair "Did you want to stay round mine tonight?" He asked. You shook your head "I can't" You paused "I'm going to dinner with Mycroft" You explained. Greg rolled his eyes "Ditch him" Greg said simply. You scoffed and widened your eyes "I can't. He's my boss" You said "And I'm your boyfriend" Greg smirked, his eyebrow quirked in amusement.

"I'm sorry but Mycroft pays my salary not you" You said. Greg gasped in a dramatic fashion "Oh I see" He replied playfully. You laughed, before a thought suddenly dawned on you "Do you ever think about what will happen when Mycroft finds out about us?" You questioned, watching Greg warily. Greg paused for a moment, before he shrugged "I don't know. I'm just enjoying us now" Greg said "I don't really want to think about it" He added. You nodded and smiled affectionately at him.

Just then, your phone buzzed in your pocket and you quickly pulled it from your pocket to see who it was. Mycroft.

From: Mycroft Holmes.

Change of plan. Meet me in an hour at The Firehouse.

You groaned inwardly and put your phone back in your pocket "I've got to shoot now. Mycroft wants to meet me soon" You explained. Greg nodded "I'll see you tomorrow" He said, you nodded and got up to leave his office "(Y/N)" You quickly turned back around as Greg said your name "Yeah" You replied "I love you" He said. You smiled and felt all giddy at his words. The first time he'd ever said them "I love you" You said, before you left the office.


You awkwardly sat opposite Mycroft, watching him closely as he nibbled at his salad. He hadn't uttered a word to you since you sat down at the table, you knew something was bothering him... And it worried you.

"Myc" You said warily. You watched Mycroft as he scrunched his nose up "Mycroft" He corrected. "Mycroft" You said again "Yes" He replied, still staring down at his salad, aimlessly poking a lettuce leaf around the plate with his fork "What's-"

"How long?" Mycroft interjected. Your eyes widened at his question and your heart practically stopped beating "What?" You questioned. Mycroft huffed in annoyance "How" He paused and lifted his gaze to you "Long?" He said again. You watched him fretfully, not sure if he was double bluffing. Did he know about you and Greg, or was he tricking you into thinking he did in hope that you would admit it?

"I don't understand" You said. Mycroft rolled his eyes "Don't act like a fool, (Y/N)" He paused, becoming very irate "You know exactly what I'm talking about" He said. You shook your head, convinced he was just trying to catch you out "Care to elaborate Myc" You sneered, two can play at that game, You thought.

Suddenly, Mycroft slammed his fist against the table, causing the whole restaurant to fall silent and look over to your table. You nervously glanced around the restaurant, hushed whispers filled the air as people continued to stare. Then a waiter came over and nervously stood over your table "Is everything alright?" The waiter questioned.

Mycroft inhaled a deep breath and quickly exhaled it again, before he looked up at the waiter "Yes" He murmured through gritted teeth "Everything is fine" He explained. The waiter nodded hesitantly, before he slowly walked away. You watched him leave, feeling as though he had just left you to be ripped to shreds by a great white shark.

"I am the eyes and ears of the British government" Mycroft paused "You don't think I won't find out who you're sleeping with" Mycroft snapped through gritted teeth. You felt your face redden as you realized he really did know who you were sleeping with. You went to open your mouth to say something, but couldn't.

"I... Am I going to be fired?" You questioned. Mycroft huffed and shook his head, before he buried his face into his hands "For goodness sake, no" Mycroft murmured and looked up at you, his gaze locked intensely with yours "You didn't really think that that rule about dating was actually real, did you?" He questioned.

You furrowed your brow at him in confusion "But... But you told me that" You said. Mycroft briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he looked at you again "Yes, I told you that and only you" He paused, his eyes soft and vulnerable "Because I can't bare the thought of seeing you with anybody else" He said. You heart pounded against your chest as you simply stared at him. The impact of his words sending shockwaves through your mind.



I hope you all had an amazing week and have a good weekend too. Thank you for all the comments and votes on the previous one. I can't believe this is nearly at 10k now. OH MY GOD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part.

P.S.. I will potentially not be uploading next Friday, as I am going to London, and have other work and study commitments. So probably will not have the time. 

I am also in London on Saturday as well due to work and study commitments. So will potentially not be able to upload then, depending on what time I get back etc... 

The most realistic day you will get an upload next week is on Sunday. As I don't have much to do on Sunday. So yeah :)

All the love. x 

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