Only One.

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You giggled uncontrollably as Greg nuzzled his face into your neck, his teeth delicately nipped at your skin and his breath sent tingles down your spine. "Gregory Lestrade" You giggled as his lips brushed against your skin, before he looked up at you and his eyes locked with yours "Yes" He pouted innocently "We're in public" You said, he laughed and promptly pulled you into him, his arm casually wrapped around your shoulder as you strolled down the seemingly peaceful street. You smiled affectionately at him as you then coiled your arm around his waist and playfully poked his side "Hey!" He exclaimed, as he swiftly moved away from you. You laughed at him and cheerfully skipped down the street ahead of him.

Suddenly, He ran over to you and slid his arms around your waist from behind, which stopped you from going any further. He laughed as he began to poke and prod at your stomach "No, Stop it!" You squealed, Greg chuckled again and continued to poke you without mercy "GREG!" You yelled "I'm not afraid to hurt you!" You threatened. He laughed as he ignored your plea and continued his torment. You then abruptly jolted your elbow back, making contact with his stomach. He immediately stopped what he was doing, and doubled over in pain "Owwwww!" He groaned, as he tightly held his stomach, before he stumbled back and leant against the wall. You stood there for a moment, your eyes awkwardly glued to him as you watched him crouched over in pain "Greg, Are-"

"GOT YA!" He yelled, as he quickly leapt up at you. You squealed in surprise before you playfully swatted him "Don't do that!" You warned, He chuckled "Play fair then" He said as he poked his tongue out at you "God, you're such a child" You whined as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder again "But you still love me" He smiled endearingly at you, You laughed and rolled your eyes as you wrapped your arm around his waist "I suppose so" You teased "Now, are you going to tell me where you are taking me?" You questioned. He looked over to you, a playful smirk on his face "No, You're just going to have to wait and see" He replied. You huffed "Oh, Greg!" He laughed "Just one clue" You begged, He sighed and rolled his eyes "Okay" He paused for a moment "It's somewhere in London" You huffed at his smartass response "Oh, Funny one" You said. He chuckled and smiled affectionately at you "It's not far now" He said, as he excitedly took your hand and pulled you down the street.


You stared, wide eyed, open mouthed, in awe of how much effort Greg had gone to. Every detail, even down to his outfit was pristine, he was smartly dressed in a crisp white shirt with a jet black bow tie and matching suit trousers, his musky cologne radiated off his glowing skin and his silver hair was slicked over to one side, making him look like something out of a Bond movie. It was your 3rd anniversary, and you knew he'd do something special, He always did. But you never expected him to do something like this "(Y/N)" You promptly looked over to him "Say something" He said, as a nervous laugh escaped his lips.

"It's beautiful" You said as you looked back at the stunning setting of your date. You were on the London Eye, just you and Greg on one pod. It was beautifully lit with various candles placed around the edge of the pod. A beautifully laid out round table with 2 seats was positioned in the centre of it, rose petals were scattered across the floor and the soft tones of Michael Buble, your favourite singer, played in the background "Greg" You murmured as you looked over to him again "This is... I... Just, wow" You managed to say, Greg chuckled, a shy smile spread across his face as he slowly led you over to the table.

He graciously pulled a chair out for you and you gradually sat down as he made his way over to the other chair. You looked down at the silver platter in front of you, topped with a silver plate cover dome, with the words 'Greg &+ (Y/N). 14th February 2015' engraved on the front "Your favourite" He said. You looked up at him to see him holding a bottle of your favourite Rose wine "Shall I?" He said, as he opened the top, you nodded and smiled as he smoothly poured you a glass, before he poured one for himself "To us" He said, as he raised his glass up "To us" You repeated as you clinked your glass with his before you took a sip "Greg, you didn't have to go to all this trouble" You said. He cocked his head to one side, an endearing smile on his face "Of course I did. Only the best for my (Y/N)" He smiled. You smiled affectionately back at him, before you looked down at your lap as you felt your cheeks turn a pale rose colour.

You'd been with this wonderful man for 3 years and he could still make you blush "God, you're beautiful" He murmured, his smouldering brown eyes fixated on you.

You slowly peered up at him "I love you, Lestrade" You murmured "I love you too. More than you could care to imagine" He said, you smiled fondly at him before you looked down at your platter again "What's for dinner then? I'm bloody starving" You said, before you promptly took the top off. Your gaped in utter surprise and your heart dropped down to your stomach as you looked at what was underneath. Your gaze switched to Greg, a small smile on his face. Tears pricked at your eyes as you looked down at the plate again. In front of you, was a small navy ring box, with the words 'Will you marry me?' just above the box. You had been so fixated on what was in front of you, you hadn't realized Greg knelt down beside you. He slowly took the box from the plate and your gaze followed the movement. He gradually opened it with shaky hands, to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a stunning small diamond in the centre of it.

"(Y/N), We've been together for 3 years now. And I have never been so happy and you continue to make me happier everyday you are with me, and I want to keep feeling this way for the rest of my life. I want you to be the other half of me, the better half. You are the only one" He paused as he took a deep breath "Will you marry me?" He questioned, you stared at him for a moment as he looked anxiously up at you "Of course I will, Yes" A huge grin spread across his face as he quickly pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on your finger. You both stood up in unison, and immediately embraced each other. You hugged him unbelievably tight, tears streamed down your face as he pressed soft kisses on the top of your head. You took a deep breath as you looked up at him. He laughed lightly, as he placed his hands on your cheeks and gently wiped away your tears with his thumb. Your heart pounded erratically against your chest as you gazed at him. This man was going to be your husband, Your husband. And you couldn't be happier. You slowly leaned into his lips, and kissed him passionately. You felt his smile against your lips, before he slowly pulled away, his forehead rested against yours "I love you, Lestrade" He murmured.


Hey guys. I hope you enjoy this one shot. Thank you for all the comments and votes on the previous ones. x 

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