Sneaking Around.

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You sat on the sofa, bored out of your mind as you tried to find something bearable to watch on Television. Daytime television really is the worst sort of television, you thought as you chucked the remote down in defeat. You were never going to find something half decent to watch, you'd always been the type of person to watch disturbingly gory horrors or thrillers, but you put that down to the type of family you grew up in. Suddenly, your phone pinged next to you and you casually picked it up to see you'd received a text message.

Stay in the house today. No seeing anyone. I'll be back later. SH. x

You groaned inwardly as you locked your phone again and chucked it back down beside you. Another text from your brother Sherlock, probably the most overprotective sibling known to man, alongside your other brother, Mycroft. You could have sworn he thought you were still a baby and were incapable of looking after yourself, Mycroft was bad enough, but Sherlock was ten times worse and it only got worse when you now, regrettably made the decision to move in with him and John after you lost your job, which resulted in you losing your flat as well. You really were stuck for options, and at first were more than happy to move in with him. He was a hell of a lot better than living with Mycroft, and not to mention your parents. But 7 months down the line, you seriously thought you'd be better off homeless, at least you'd have freedom.

Suddenly, you heard a loud creek from the stairs, you instantly switched the TV to mute and carefully listened out, nothing. You nervously looked over to the living room door as you debated whether to go and see what the noise was. It's probably Mrs Hudson. You thought as you switched the volume back on, but as soon as you did, you heard another loud creek from the stairs. You promptly muted the TV again, but the noise stopped again. You felt your heart rapidly pound against your chest, as your nerves grew. This time, you slowly got up and decided to investigate the noise. You cautiously moved across the room to the door. You slowly opened it and much to your relief, was greeted by an empty, silent hallway. I'm just hearing things. You thought to yourself as you gradually turned back around and made your way back into the living room.

"GIVE ME YO' MONEY!" You screamed as you heard a loud voice from behind you, you then stumbled forward and lost your footing, hitting the floor with a loud thud. You then heard someone laugh, and you knew it couldn't be anyone else but Greg. You instantly looked up and saw him stood over you, laughing away to himself "I can't believe you!" You huffed, He chuckled again as he offered his hand out to you, you glared at him, before you took his hand and he pulled you up "What are you even doing here?" You questioned as you stood up in front of him "I heard Sherlock talking about how you were here... Alone, so I thought I'd pop over and keep you company" He said, before he pressed a swift, soft kiss to your lips. You'd been seeing Greg for nearly 9 months and you'd been the happiest you'd been in a long time, which probably also had something to do with the fact your brothers hadn't found out yet and couldn't interfere, but nevertheless, Greg was an absolute gem, and treated you nothing short of royalty, even if you did have to sneak around like teenagers.

You smiled affectionately at him, and wrapped your arms loosely around his neck "What do you propose we do then?" You questioned, Greg took a deep breath and slowly bit down on his bottom lip "Maybe, we could take this into the bedroom" He said, his tone low and husky as he brushed his lips against your neck. You groaned softly, before you ran your fingers up the back of his neck, you felt him squirm under your touch as he slowly detached his lips from your skin and looked intently at you "Your bedroom is calling" He murmured, as he grazed his tongue teasingly across his bottom lip "That might be a problem" You said awkwardly "Why?" Greg frowned "Sherlock put cameras in there" Greg stared blankly at you, a deep look of horror and confusion in his face "Why?" He questioned, you were about to say something when he shook his head "Don't answer that. I don't want to know" He added. You laughed "What about John's room?" You gasped and playfully swatted Greg's chest "Gregory Lestrade, you naughty boy" He smirked playfully at you "He keeps a lock on it anyway" You replied.

He then arched his eyebrow in amusement at you "NO! I know what you're thinking and no!" You exclaimed, before you swivelled around and went to walk away, but Greg instantly pulled you back and into his chest "Come on baby" He murmured, his tone low and husky again. You cringed at his use of the word 'Baby'. You hated it, and Greg knew that, but would still insist on calling you it, it was like he was teasing you "Not my brothers room" You said. Greg pouted and cocked his head to one side "He won't know" He murmured, before he pressed his lips to your neck again and gently nipped at your skin. You groaned softly and could instantly feel yourself caving as Greg skillfully moved his hands down your body. This man was too good, You thought as you promptly grabbed his hand and lead him into Sherlock's bedroom. You were so going to hell for this.

You laughed as Greg pushed you onto the bed, and slowly climbed on top of you, straddling your hips. He smiled down at you as he gradually bent down, until his face was inches away from yours. Your heart began to race as he smiled charmingly at you, before he passionately pressed his lips against yours. You felt his smile against your lips as you deepened the kiss and let his tongue gain access to your mouth. You began to feel his bulge grow as you gently massaged your fingertips into the back of his neck, his weak spot.                                                                                                                                                          "(Y/N)!" You instantly pulled away from Greg as you heard Sherlock's voice echo through the flat. Greg looked warily at you "Oh shit" He whispered. You froze for a moment, before you abruptly pushed him off you, he quickly sat up as you jumped off the bed and quickly tried to smooth over the duvet. "You need to... get in that cupboard!" You hissed as you pointed over to Sherlock's wardrobe "NO!" He hissed back "(Y/N)!" You heard Sherlock yell again, this time, his voice closer to you than it was before "Now! He'll see you!" You hissed as you pulled him up and began to push him toward the cupboard "No, (Y/N), look at how small that cupboard is!" He hissed as you promptly opened the door and shoved him in "Ow!" He moaned as you abruptly shut the door "(Y/N), I swear to god wh-"

"SHHHHHHH!" You hissed. "(Y/N)" You jumped, and spun around to see Sherlock stood behind you. "Hey" You replied as you leant against the cupboard door "What are you doing in here?" Sherlock questioned as he frowned in confusion at you "N-othing.. I had a nap, and then... I wanted to wear your, urm... dressing gown" You stammered. Sherlock looked intently at you, and you were 99% sure he was going to deduce you, and work out Greg was in the cupboard. Sherlock shook his head dismissively "Very well. I came back to get you as I wanted to take you for lunch with John and I, I've asked Lestrade as well, but he hasn't answered my messages" You scoffed, but immediately stopped as he gave you one of his looks "What's funny?" He questioned "You never take me anywhere" You said. Sherlock frowned at you, looking a little insulted by your comment "I wanted to treat my little sister" He paused, before he turned back to the door again "What are you waiting for?" He questioned, as he looked back to see you still stood by the cupboard "Urm, N-nothing" You smiled, Sherlock nodded and you slowly moved yourself from the door, which opened slightly, you instantly pressed your back up against in it again "Ow!" You heard Greg say from inside "What was that?!" Sherlock snapped as he looked at you again "Me... Ow!" You said, as you looked down at the floor "I stepped on something, honestly Sherlock, you should tidy up once in a while" You said, as you promptly strode over to him and looped your arm through his, guiding him out the room "Hang on" He said, as he turned and closed the door, before he pulled a key from his pocket "I'm going to lock it" He explained, as he pushed the key in the lock and locked the door. You bit your lip as you tried to stop yourself from laughing "Let's go" Sherlock said, you hesitantly stood at the door for a moment, before you followed Sherlock. Ahhh, It won't hurt him if he stay's in there for a while. You thought.


Hey Guys, So I got this idea the other day and just had to write it straight away. This will be the only one shot I'll be uploading this weekend, so i hope you enjoy it. Thank you for all the comments/votes, i can't believe how fast you guys read this after it's uploaded. It's awesome. Anyway, what sort of one shot would you like to see next? If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments and i'll add them to the ideas list. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Loveee :) xo.

His Division [Greg Lestrade One Shots]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin