Forbidden Love // Part 2.

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You stared at Mycroft in complete shock. Mycroft nervously drummed his fingers against the table as he waited for you to say something "How long have you known?" You asked "After he had asked you to be his partner. The way you looked at him, and he at you" He replied.

You took a deep breath and cupped your face into your hands for a moment "Mycroft, I don't know what to say right now" You breathed as you looked at him again. Mycroft smiled half-heartedly at you and cocked his head to one side "Don't say anything. I have exposed the very weakness inside of me that I wished for nobody to see" He paused "And all for nothing" He added.

You furrowed your brow in confusion at him "What do you mean?" You questioned. Mycroft laughed lightly and shook his head "For all the times you were looking at Greg, you missed the way in which I looked at you" He explained feebly. Your facial expression softened at his words and you didn't take your eyes off of him.

"I knew this day would come. Eventually, I would have to tell you how I felt" He paused and nervously pulled an envelope from the inside of his blazer "So I have written it down. It is the only way in which I could get the words out" He said as he gradually slid the envelope across the table.

He then leisurely stood up, but your eyes remained glued to the envelope. Your name neatly written across the grainy off-white paper "Goodbye (Y/N)." He murmured, his eyes fixed attentively on you. You snapped out of your day dream and looked up at Mycroft. You were about to say something when Mycroft pressed his finger to his lips and smiled, before he left.

You watched him leave, a strange, surreal feeling spiralling in the pit of your stomach. You then averted your attention back down to the letter and slowly picked it up. You ran your finger across the sealed envelope and carefully opened it, pulling out the letter inside. The letter was written in pristine calligraphy handwriting, Typical Mycroft- nothing short of perfection.

You then slowly unfolded the letter and began to read it.

Dearest (Y/N),

As you are reading this, I know you would have fallen for Detective Inspector Lestrade, but I have fallen for you. I know that will mean nothing to you, but nevertheless, I wish to tell you how I feel, as otherwise, it will haunt me forever.

I have always struggled with the concept of having feelings of sentiment and affection towards another human being. It has been a void that has lived inside of me for as long as I care to remember. But when I met you, you filled that void.

Being in your presence fills with me such happiness and joy. Being in your presence has finally made me feel content in my own skin, and I fear that if I do not have you in my life, I would not be the person I am now. And that terrifies me.

My hands are trembling as I write this to you as I know this is not what you wish to read, but If I can't tell you now, I fear I would never be able to tell you as you would have made a life for yourself and I will not be apart of that.

I guess, what I am trying to say is that, I care and feel for you on a level that I have never felt for another human being in my entire existence. And I wish for you to know that, because you are the most beautiful, intelligent and kindest woman that I have and will ever meet. And you deserve to be told that everyday. And I just wish I could be the person to do that.

All of my love,

Mycroft Holmes.

You swallowed the forming lump in your throat as you finished reading the letter. You took a deep breath and stared into space for a moment in order to try and organise your thoughts. But you simply could not fathom what had transpired over the last couple of hours.

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