See You Again.// Part 1

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You abruptly woke from your sleep as the train you were on came to an abrupt halt. You rubbed your eyes and groggily looked out of the window. You were here, in London. After the tediously long train journey, you had finally arrived to see your best friend Molly Hooper for the weekend, expect you'd planned to arrive a day early to surprise her.

You promptly grabbed your bag from the overhead compartment and slowly began to filter off the train with everyone else and out onto the platform. You pulled the piece of paper with Molly's work address on and read it again. St Bart's Hospital. W Smithfield. London. EC1A 7BE.

You smiled to yourself as you shoved the paper back into your pocket, you hadn't seen Molly since university, you'd moved away from London after university and now worked as an immunologist in Liverpool, several hours away from London, so you rarely ever got to see your best friend.

Once you reached the streets of London, you promptly flagged down a taxi, surprisingly succeeding first time. You promptly jumped into the back and told the driver the address of St Bart's. You smiled excitedly to yourself as the driver set off.


You took a deep breath as you briefly stood outside the door of the lab that Molly worked in. You then excitedly pushed the door open and entered the lab, yelling "surprise!" as you did. Molly, the only person in the lab, looked over to you, a startled expression on her face.

A smile then twitched on her lips as she realized it was you "(Y/N)" She exclaimed. You laughed and nodded "I thought you were coming tomorrow" She said "And I thought I would surprise my best friend" You replied. She smiled affectionately at you and promptly made her way over to you to give you a hug.

"I'm so glad you here. I was so excited to see you" She said as she wrapped her arms around you. You smiled and tightly hugged her back "Me too. When do you get off work?" You questioned as you let her go "Not until this evening, but you're welcome to stay around here or you can go back to my place. I can take 10 minutes out to take you there" She explained.

You shrugged carelessly "I don't mind. Whatever's easiest for you" You explained. Molly smiled and was about to say something when the door burst open "Molly, I need you to run-" The person suddenly stopped speaking, which caused you to looked over in their direction. And you wish you hadn't, because you certainly didn't want to see that face staring back at you.

You felt your heart pound intensely against your chest "(Y/N)" They said. Shivers ran down your spine as they said your name "Greg?" Molly said quizzically "You know (Y/N)?" She asked. Greg ignored Molly's question and continued to stare at you. He slowly walked towards you and you instantly began to back away "Don't" You snapped.

Greg's facial expression softened and he took a deep breath "Let's just talk" He said. You scoffed and instantly shook your head "I've got nothing to say to you" You snapped "Molly, I want to go to back to your house" You explained. Molly nodded awkwardly "Greg, I'll be back in 10 minutes" Molly explained. Greg visibly sank and took a deep breath as you abruptly walked past him.


You sighed despondently and buried your head in your hands as you sat on the sofa in Molly's apartment. Molly stood over you and folded her arms "Well, are you going to tell me what that was about?" She said. You shrugged "Nothing" You explained. Molly laughed and rolled her eyes "You expect me to believe that was nothing?" She questioned.

You promptly looked up at Molly and nodded "Yes, Yes I do" You paused "Because it's none of your business!" You snapped. Molly gaped in shock at you and stood silently for a moment "I'll leave you to calm down over nothing then!" She exclaimed "I need to get back to work" She added. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair "Molly!" You pleaded. Molly ignored you and you promptly heard the front door shut behind her.

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