Real Love.

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You groaned in pain, your right eye throbbed with such intensity, you were sure it was going to pop out. You feebly rolled over, but instantly regretted the decision as a dozen pieces of smashed glass dug into your side. You groaned in pain again as a burning sensation seared through the right side of your body. You then tried to get up, but instantly collapsed back down in pain as your whole body seemed to give up on you. You let out a cry as your head hit the floor, your tear filled (E/C) eyes stared up at the ceiling, you were helpless.

"Hello!" You heard a familiar voice from the front door call out "GREG!" You cried out, You instantly heard him thud through your flat and into the living room "Jesus Christ" He mumbled, as he stood for a moment and looked down at the scene in front of him. The place was a mess, the room had literally been turned upside down, furniture lay on it's side, whilst several photo frames and other ornaments lay scattered around the room, smashed into pieces. And then there was you, sprawled out next to the coffee table, your blood splattered everywhere. Greg quickly snapped out of his trance and made his way over to you.

He promptly knelt by your side "What happened?" he questioned as he carefully helped you up. You winced in pain as you sat up, your arm's clenched tightly around your stomach and your head rested against your knees "I fell over, stupid really" You grumbled. Greg sighed "[Y/N], don't lie to me" Greg murmured, You slowly looked up at him. His brown eyes fixated on you "I'm not" You replied. he cocked his head to one side "I know you. I know when you're lying. We've been here before" He replied. And he did, Greg was the only person in this whole world who really knew you, and what was going on.

You slowly began to get up, but found yourself unable to do so. Suddenly, Greg threw his arm over your shoulder and helped you up "Thanks" You mumbled, as he lead you through to the dining room where you weakly sat down on one of the chairs, whilst he sat down next to you. An awkward silence surfaced between you as Greg stared at you, his expression soft and sympathetic "(Y/N)" He murmured "Yes" You replied as you nervously looked up at him "Please leave him" He said. You dropped your gaze to your lap "I love him" You mumbled. Greg sighed and ran his hand through his hair "Look at what he's doing to you" Greg said, tears pricked at his eyes as he looked at you.

You gradually looked up at him again, an aching pain seared through you as you saw the hurt in his face "He's not doing anything to me" You said. Greg laughed lightly "He's beating you to a pulp. How many more times before you end up in hospital?" He questioned, You sighed "He won't. He just gets angry sometimes, that's all" You replied. Greg cupped his hands over his face "(Y/N), please! I'm begging you. I hate seeing you like this" Greg huffed as his hands reached out to yours. You looked down at them as he wrapped his hands tightly around yours "I can't do this anymore. I'm going to report it" He said. You widened your eyes fretfully at him "No, No, No!" You said "Please Greg" You begged, Greg huffed in frustration before he abruptly got up from his chair and irately paced the room.

Greg stressfully ran his hands through his hair "You can't keep doing this to me. I can't let this happen to you anymore" He said "Please Greg. I'll lose him. He loves me!" You exclaimed. Greg promptly swivelled around to you "This isn't love" He murmured, as he slowly lifted his hand up to point to you "He does love me" You mumbled "No, You accept the love from him you think you deserve" He said "Who else's love do I deserve then?!" You snapped heatedly "MINE!" He shouted. An awkward silence then fell over the room as you stared up at him in shock.

He then leisurely sat down beside you again, you watched him as he lifted his shaking hand to your face "You deserve mine. I want to love you" He murmured. You stared intensely at him as you watched a tear trickle down his cheek "Do you know how much it kills me to see you like this? Do you?" He said, a slight crack in his voice "Greg" You murmured, He shook his head and tenderly grazed his thumb across your lips "Don't say anything. Just listen" He said, as he ran his other hand through your (H/L), (H/C) hair.

"I love you... So much. I'm not going to let you go through this anymore. Whatever it takes, He's not going to hurt you anymore. I won't let him" He paused and slowly moved forward to rest his forehead against yours. You took a deep breath as a fuzzy feeling arose in the pit of your stomach. You then subconsciously leant into him, until you felt the soft touch of his lips against yours. You then slowly pulled away and watched the smile grow on his face "Please come home with me" He murmured, his eyes locked in an intense gaze with yours "You won't go through this alone. I'll be with you all the way" He murmured. You smiled affectionately at him as you clenched his hand tightly and slowly stood up. Finally feeling the strength to leave your boyfriend.

He smiled tenderly at you, as you slowly walked with him through the house. You took a deep breath as you walked past the scene of your boyfriend's latest episode, and the last. You finally didn't feel alone anymore, You had Greg and more importantly his love. Which was real, you could feel it. And you'd been stupid not to see it sooner, You'd been so wrapped up in such a poisonous relationship, you didn't know the meaning of true love and what it felt like. But now, in this moment, you did. You vowed never again to accept the love you think you deserved, and you didn't need to. Because you had Greg, and you did deserve his love, but more importantly, he deserved yours.


{Author's Notes}

Hi Guys. Thank you for all the votes and comments. I thought I would upload something slightly different this time, I hope you like it. I am also working on a 2 part one shot, featuring Sherlock and John. I've written the first part, which will be up one day this week. Anyway, let me know what you think of this one, and also let me know in the comments what you would like to see me write? Do you guys have any ideas that you would like to me to write? If you do, then write it in the comments and I'll use your ideas for future one shots. Just to shake things up a little bit :)

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