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Greg casually walked into the small office. He'd been called to a robbery in Central London and had been given the tedious job of interviewing some of the staff here. He smiled politely as he approached a blonde haired gentleman sat despondently at the reception desk. "Greg Lestrade, Here to interview some staff from AeroDya" He explained to the man "Sure. Go right through. It's just down there" He replied, as he looked over his shoulder to the entrance of the office. Greg nodded politely before he made his way over to the door.

He leisurely walked through the door, where he was met by another man, this one with mid-length brown hair, scraped back with an obscene amount of hair product "You must be the detective" He said, in a matter of fact tone. Greg nodded and briefly shook his hand "Yes. Greg Lestrade. I'm just here to ask a few questions to some of the staff that were here the day of the robbery and to have a look at the point of entry" He explained. The man nodded and made his way down the corridor and through another door, with Greg behind.

"Well, My name's Jonathan Lomax" He explained "I'm the manager here. But I wasn't in the day of the break in" He added as they walked through the office. Greg nodded, his eyes slowly scanned the small, stylish office. He then unexpectedly bumped into someone, You. "Oh.." He stopped mid-sentence as his brown eyes locked with your [E/C] ones. He felt his cheeks burn as he stared blankly at you, embarrassed and flustered at the fact he found himself unable to speak. You smiled kindly at him and he felt his heart thud against his chest as he felt captivated by your stunning smile "Sorry" You mumbled shyly.

He smiled timidly at you "My fault. I apologise" He said. You smiled at him again and he felt his heart thud against his chest again. He subtly rolled his fingertips across his palm as they began to sweat, his nerves getting the better of him as you watched him attentively "[Y/N], Have you got any time free this afternoon?" Jonathan questioned. You slowly broke your gaze away from Greg as you looked over to Jonathan. Greg took a deep breath and relaxed slightly. He mentally cursed himself for acting like love struck school boy. "Yes, I have an hour at 2" You said. Jonathan nodded "Great. Is it okay for DI Lestrade to interview you later?" He questioned. You nodded "Okay perfect. That'll be all for now" Jonathan nodded. You nodded back at him before you left the two of them.

Greg watched you intensely as you made your way over to your desk. He watched you as you sat back down and your gaze wandered over to him again. He smiled at you, and you smiled back at him. You then gradually grazed your tongue across your lip, before you subtly bit down on it. The small movement sending Greg into a frenzy of feelings "Excuse me. DI Lestrade" Jonathan said. Greg immediately shook his head, before he turned to Jonathan again "Sorry. Urm, did you say something?" Greg murmured gawkily. Jonathan frowned disapprovingly at him "I was just saying that I have CCTV footage from the night of the break in you can look through" He explained. Greg nodded gradually "Sure" He said. Jonathan nodded at him "This way then" He said, as he turned and walked toward his office. Greg briefly looked over to you again, to find you still looking at him. He flashed you a crooked smile, before he followed Jonathan into his office.


Greg peered up at the time again, his mind consumed with the thought that he would be seeing you again at 2:00pm, It was 5 minutes to and the anticipation of sitting down and talking to you was unbearable. Greg had never been so distracted about anything, and it was driving him crazy. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door "Come in!" Jonathan said, as he sat casually beside Greg, his face buried in the latest edition of the financial times.

Greg anxiously watched the door, a smile curled on his lips as you slowly walked in "Hello" You said. Greg nodded at you "Ah, [Y/N]. Take a seat, Don't mind me. Greg will just ask you a few questions" Jonathan said. Greg slowly turned to him "I won't be conducting the interview in here" He explained. For the first time since Greg had been sat in his office, Jonathan looked up from his paper, a confused expression on his face as he looked at Greg "But you've done all the other interviews in here" He stated "But If i'm not corrected. [Y/N] had just left the building when the robbery happened. She may have seen something that could have possibly been related to the break in. I wanted to take a walk around the building, incase anything jogged her memory" Greg explained, Jonathan paused for a moment, before he reluctantly nodded "Very well" He said, before he turned back to his paper.

You smiled gleefully as Greg got up and walked over to you "Shall we?" He murmured, as he stopped briefly in front of you "Yes, Detective Inspector" You replied, a playfulness to your casual tone. Greg smiled as he leant across you and pushed the door open for you. You gradually turned to the door, the smell of Greg's musky cologne caught your senses as he walked slightly in front of you "Do you think you'll get who did this?" You questioned, as you walked through the office with Greg. He nodded "Yeah, It was a quick job. They always leave evidence" He said as you walked back through the office exit, and past the receptionist, who was still sat despondently at his desk.

Greg charmingly held the door open for you as you left the building, you smiled at him before you stepped out into the beautiful London sun "Nice day, eh?" He said, You looked up at him again, his smouldering brown eyes ablaze under the stunning rays of the sun "Yes, it is" You smiled "How about we take a walk round to where they broke in?" He suggested, you nodded and he offered you a heartwarming smile as you began to stroll down the street together "How long have you been working here?" He questioned "Urm, about 2 years" You replied "How long have you been in the police force?" You asked "Long enough" He chuckled, You smiled politely at him. He watched you attentively again, as you strolled casually beside him, and once again he was mesmerised by your cute little mannerisms, He'd only met you today, but he picked up a few of your habits, some you didn't even realize you had. The way you brushed your fingers through hair every 5 minutes, the way you lips would occasionally twitch into a cute random smile, or the way your eyes wrinkled every time you laughed.

"Do you live in London?" Greg questioned as you turned the street corner, down a small side alley between your office building and the next one "Yes. Central London" You replied, Greg smirked slightly at this revelation "Me too" He said. You too, felt a smile form on your lips at his response. Greg's smile grew as he watched you conceal your smile with a subtle lip bite. Suddenly, you curiously looked up as you reached the end of the alley way "Urm, Detective Inspector Lestrade" You said, as you stopped to look back down the alley way "Yes" He replied, his eyebrows raised "Over there is where they broke in" You said as you pointed over to a smashed window back down the alley. Greg widened his eyes slightly as he stared blankly down the alleyway. He mentally cursed himself again as he found himself so distracted by you, he was incapable of doing his job properly.

A small giggle escaped your lips as Greg gawkily turned back to you, and he couldn't help but smile at how cute he found it "Maybe you should do my job" He said, You laughed "Thanks, but no thanks" You said. He laughed before he gradually slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his contact card "Take this" He said, a charming smile on his face as he handed you the card "I thought you were going to interview me today?" You questioned "I'm not giving it to you for work reasons" He said, You instantly felt yourself blush, you smiled awkwardly at him before you briefly looked down at the floor. Greg smiled wildly at you as he watched your cheeks turn a pale rose colour "Call me" He said coolly, before he casually strode off, back down the street. You smiled uncontrollably as you looked down at the card, where a small note was scrawled across the top. Distract me when I'm not at work? Dinner Maybe. x. You laughed lightly at the message, before you happily walked back onto the street, a new found spring in your step.


[Author Notes]

Hey Guys. Here's another Chapter for you. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for all the votes and comments. Let me know what you think of this one. and what sort of one shots you prefer me to write? Like which one has been your favourite so far? Thanks. x .

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