The Get Together.

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"Greg! Would you get up off your arse and do something please?" You exclaimed as you bustled around your open plan living room/kitchen. Greg huffed and widened his eyes as he watched you lay out various nibbles on the coffee table in the lounge "I did offer to help you earlier but you said no!" He exclaimed "Yes, and that was then... This is now!" You snapped back. Greg rolled his eyes and jumped up from the sofa "And don't roll your eyes at me!" You scolded.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked "Get the dips out of the fridge and put them on the table please" You said as you made your way back into the kitchen "You know you don't need to put on such a display" He said as he gradually closed the fridge. You and Greg were hosting a little get together with Sherlock, Mycroft, John and Mary tonight and you'd organized a few nibbles and drinks for everyone, something which Greg thought unnecessary.

"It's nice to have these sorts of things at get togethers" You paused and made your way over to him to straighten his shirt collar "Even if you don't think so" You said. Greg smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips "If it makes you happy" He said. You smiled and nodded proudly "It does" You said. Greg laughed "Well, as you were" He said. Just then, the doorbell rang and the two of you looked at each other "Mycroft" You both said at the same time "I'll get it, you put those dips out" You said as you made your way to the front door.

"Will you ever learn to knock?" You said as you opened the door to see Mycroft stood there. He turned and quirked his brow in amusement at you "Will you ever learn to greet me properly?" He said smugly "Not until you learn to knock" You said. Out of all the people that came to your house, Mycroft Holmes was the only person to ever use the doorbell, he just had to be different "May I come in?" He questioned, as always. You nodded and he smoothly stepped into the house.

"Good evening (Y/N). You look wonderful, as always" He said charmingly as leant into kiss you, his arm gliding around your waist as he pulled you in for a hug aswell "And you look as dashing as ever, Mr Holmes" You replied. Mycroft smirked at you as he released you from his embrace and swiftly took his coat off "How have you been anyway? It feels like I haven't seen you in ages" You said as he hung up his coat. He shrugged carelessly "I'm still here" He said simply. You rolled your eyes "Never a straight-forward answer with you, is there?" You said "But then I'd be like you" He said "And what's that?" You replied "Ordinary" He said, before he made his way through into the living room.

You laughed lightly and shook your head, before you followed him into the living room, where him and Greg were talking in the kitchen "Did you want a drink (Y/N)?" Mycroft asked as you walked through to the kitchen "Yes please" You said "The usual?" He asked. You nodded and Mycroft showed himself into your drinks cupboard, getting out the drinks he needed for you when there was a knock on the door "I'll grab it this time" Greg said as you watched Mycroft make your drink "There you go" He said, as he slid the drink over to you, you took it from the side, your hand brushing Mycroft's as you did. You looked up at him and he gave you a slight smirk "Thank you" You said as you took a sip.

"Perfect" You said as you put the glass down again "I'm nothing short of" He replied smugly. You scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully "Oh, don't flatter yourself" You replied "Someone's got to" He said light-heartedly. Just then, Mycroft slowly turned toward the living room door, an unamused look on his face as he watched his brother enter the room "Ah Mycroft, how wonderful to see you" Sherlock said sarcastically. Mycroft furrowed his brow at Sherlock as he strode into the kitchen to help himself to a drink "I would appreciate it if you answered my phonecalls and messages once in awhile" Mycroft grumbled through gritted teeth.

"And I" Sherlock paused as he took a sip of his drink "Would appreciate it if you stopped sending me messages and ringing me every hour" He added. Mycroft narrowed his eyes at his brother as he made his way out of the kitchen and plonked himself on the sofa "Not tonight Mycroft, eh?" Greg said as he left the kitchen to join Sherlock. Mycroft gaped at you and widened his eyes, about to say something "Don't" You scolded, raising your finger at him "Do you want to go out back for a cigarette?" You asked "I don't smoke" He replied. You chuckled "Yes you do, I can smell it on you" You explained. Mycroft's lips twitched into a smirk "Lead the way, my dear" He said. You smiled and then made your way out into the back garden, with Mycroft behind you.

You stepped out into the breezy Autumn night and Mycroft instantly pulled out a packet of his cigarettes from the inside of his blazer "You're such a sly fox, Mycroft Holmes" You said. He smoothly pulled out two cigarettes, before he turned and gave one to you, which you took "You haven't seen anything yet, My dear" He murmured huskily. You laughed lightly and placed the cigarette between your lips "You know Greg hates me smoking" You said "Well,, good job he's not here, isn't it?" He said as he lit his cigarette, before proceeding to light yours too.

"I'm surprised you even came tonight" You said as you took a drag of the cigarette. Mycroft shrugged carelessly "I like to surprise myself every now and then" He replied "No, you like to surprise me because you love me" You joked. Suddenly, Mycroft coughed and spluttered, his cheeks turning slightly pink as he cupped his hand over his mouth "Christ Myc, are you alright?" You asked "It's Mycroft" He paused and he moved his hand away from his face "But yes, I am fine" He murmured huskily.

"Greg said you two were out here" The two of you immediately chucked your cigarettes on the grass as you heard John's voice behind you. He then appeared by the side of you and the two of you turned to greet him. He was about to say something, before he stopped and proceeded to sniff the air "What's that smell?" He questioned curiously "A bonfire" Mycroft replied instantly, the two of you smiling angelically at John. John looked suspiciously at the two of you for a moment "Did you two want to come in anyway? Everyone is here now" John said as he walked back through into the house. Mycroft looked briefly over at you and shot you a smooth wink, before he followed John back into the house. The night had barely even started, but you knew it was going to be an interesting one with this one. 


Hey Guys! Hope you all had a great week! So happy it's the weekend! I was going to do this as a one parter, but i got this far and realized how long it already was and i still have quite a bit to write, so i thought it would just be easier to break it into two parts. Thanks for all the votes and comments on the previous one, hope you enjoy this one. All the Love. 

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