Dance [Teen Lestrade] // Part 3.

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Greg stood nervously at your front door, his heart pounded against his chest as he waited for you to answer the door. Just then, the door swung open and you opened the door wearing the most beautiful pale pink midi dress. Greg's eyes widened as he looked at you "Hey" You said, smiling shyly at him, noticing how wide-eyed he was as he looked at you "You look lovely" He murmured. You smiled and looked down at your dress "It's the dress" You said. Greg shook his head "No it's not." He said.

You smiled shyly at him as his eyes remain fixed on you "You look great. That colour looks good on you." You said as you glanced at his pale blue shirt "Thanks" Greg said "Shall we go?" Greg questioned. You nodded shyly "Wait a minute!" You instantly rolled your eyes as you heard your mum shout, before she appeared behind you "Hello Mrs (L/N)" Greg said politely "Oh hello darling, aren't you a handsome thing" Your mum said excitedly "Now let me take a picture of you two lovebirds." You could feel your face redden as your mum guided you and Greg together so she could take a picture.

"Say cheese!" She exclaimed as she pressed the capture button on her camera several times "Mum! We need to go now" You exclaimed "That's enough pictures" You said "You need to make sure you take lots of pictures dear, it'll be good for you to look back on" You felt yourself redden even more as your mum sounded like she was planning your future with Greg "Won't it Greg?" She said. Greg paused for a moment, before he looked down at you and smiled affectionately "Yeah, It will" You said, his eyes lighting up as he looked at you, causing a fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"Aw, isn't that lovely!" Your mum swooned. You chuckled lightly and shook your head "Don't be back too late and Greg, you look after her!" She said. Greg smiled at your mum and gently took your hand "I will Mrs (L/N), don't worry" He said, smiling politely. He then turned to you and smiled affectionately "Are you ready?" He questioned. You smiled and nodded "Yeah, let's go" You said, tightening your hand around his.


Your heart pounded in sync with the loud music as you entered the school hall, your hand still tightly wrapped around Greg's, who nervously peered over at you, he still couldn't believe he was walking into the prom as your date, he'd never felt so overwhelmed, a constant surreal feeling was pulsing through his body with every step he took with you on his arm.

"What did you want to do?" He asked as you found a free spot in the crowded hall "We could find your friends" You suggested "What about yours?" He questioned, you smiled shyly at him "I don't have any" You replied. He smiled sympathetically, How can someone like you have no friends? He thought to himself as he gazed attentively into your {E/C} eyes.

Just then, Greg felt something poke into his back, he quickly spun around and John and Sherlock were stood behind him "Ah! Speak of the devil" He said as he beamed at his two best friends. Sherlock furrowed his brow at Greg "Why were you talking about us?" He questioned "We were about to look for you" You interjected, both Sherlock and John looked over to you and smiled "Hello" Sherlock said "Hey, I'm-"

"(Y/N) (L/N)" Sherlock said, interrupting you. Your lips twitched into a smile "And you're Sherlock Holmes" You replied. Sherlock widened his eyes and stared blankly at you "How did you know that?" He asked "Well, there's not many Sherlock's at this school and I've heard a lot about you" You explained, smiling politely at him, before you stepped forward and offered your hand to him "It's nice to meet you" You said. Sherlock stared blankly down at your hand for a moment, nobody he'd ever spoke to in this school besides John and Greg had greeted or approached him in a polite way like you just had, he was... shocked

"You're meant to shake it Sherlock" John muttered in his ear. Sherlock promptly snapped out his daydream "Yes, I know that" He said, smiling at you before he shook your hand "It's nice to meet you too" He replied "I'm John, by the way" John said, you looked over to John and smiled "Nice to meet you John" You said, smiling politely. Greg took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair as he looked over to you "Did you want to go and get some drinks?" He questioned. Sherlock's lips then twitched into a smirk "I've got some" He murmured, opening his blazer slightly to reveal a bottle of vodka tucked in his pocket.

John chuckled "I should have guessed you would sneak something in here tonight" He said. Sherlock smirked "Shall we go outside? There's a marque out on the field. The teacher's aren't in there" He explained. You chuckled and nodded, Sherlock then promptly turned and proceeded to leave the hall, with John behind him. You then looked over to Greg, who's eyes were already fixed on you "Thank you" He murmured "For what?" You questioned. Greg shrugged shyly and smiled "For being so accepting of me and my friends" He explained "We're a strange bunch" He added.

You smiled and took his hand "I like strange" You said. Greg smiled and grazed his thumb against the back of your hand as you walked through the hall together.


"Oh christ (Y/N), You are so funny!" Sherlock said between laughter "I don't know why Greg was so scared to ask you out" He continued. The four of you then fell silent as Greg and John looked over at Sherlock, whilst you looked over to Greg, who's face looked as though it was burning "What?" You murmured shyly, Greg then timidly looked over to you "I...I was.. You're so pretty, I never thought you would say yes, so I guess I just didn't want to ask" He explained shyly. John and Sherlock looked awkwardly between the two of you.

"I was always too scared to talk to you too. I've liked you for a long time" You explained. Greg's face lit up at your revelation "Really?" He questioned. You nodded confidently and smiled "Really. I think you're great Lestrade" You said, smiling affectionately at him. He smiled affectionately back "I think you're great too" He said softly. Sherlock then suddenly scoffed "Oh please! Why don't we go and have a dance seeing as we're all alcohol fuelled?" Sherlock suggested. Both Greg and John widened their eyes at Sherlock "You want to dance?" They both said together. Sherlock nodded "Yes, come on (Y/N), let's go" Sherlock said as he got up. You chuckled and quickly followed him "Come on Greg" You said excitedly, Greg smiled and promptly got up too. You would finally get your dance with him.


You beamed uncontrollably as Greg spun you around and the two of you danced along to the music, with John and Sherlock next to you doing their best to try and look like they were dancing. Unexpectedly, the music then changed to a slower song and without thinking, Greg pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around your waist, whilst you loosely wrapped his arms around his neck. He too, smiled uncontrollably as he looked attentively at you "Are you happy?" He questioned. The smile widened across your face "I couldn't be happier, you?" You said. He nodded "Me too. I finally got my dance with the prettiest girl in school" He said, an uncontrollable expression of happiness on his face.


Hello Guys! After some extreme procrastinating, I finally got this chapter written. Thank you for all the comments and votes on the previous one, hope you enjoy this part! All the love. x 

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