Chapter 34

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What amazed the production crew most was that Kim Beishen, who was despised by all the cast and crew members because of her actions during the last episode, actually behaved very well this time. Perhaps it was because there were no plants or trees in the desert, and that was why she did not have any specimens to collect.

Or maybe it was because Yn's presence was so overbearing that even Kim Beishen could not help but to obey everything that Yn instructed them to do!

At this time, it was already six o'clock in the evening and the beautiful red sun was setting behind the mountains. The view of the desert was spectacular and indescribable at this time.

The team that had travelled the furthest distance since all the teams departed that morning was the team comprising of Qi Mo and Brother Zhuang.

This was because both of them had continued walking throughout the day without stopping to rest at all.

The team comprising of the rebellious young child and the geology expert were still moving forward, but they did stop to take a rest every now and then because they were also intending to preserve as much physical energy as they could to travel more during the night time.

As for Jin Mingchen's group, both of them were totally clueless about everything but Lady Luck seemed to be shining upon them because even though they were as blind as mice, they seemed to finally be heading in the right direction this time.

In a blink of an eye, it was already night time and the real danger that they were about to encounter had just begun...

When the different teams set up their camps in different areas of the desert, it seemed as though something really wrong had happened even though they had only just rested for a short while.

"Mingchen! Jin Mingchen! Hurry up and come out now. All of our belongings have been stolen! Jin Mingchen!"

Jin Mingchen was awakened by the sound of his partner yelling and he quickly sat up and looked out the tent that he was sleeping in. When he saw that there was nothing at all outside their tent, his eyes widened immediately before he yelled, "Where is all of our supplies? Where is our water and food? What happened to it?"

"If you ask me, who should I ask then?" the muscular boy replied. He was also in shock and he was speechless for a moment before he asked, "Would there even be a thief in the middle of a desert?"

"I got it!" Jin Mingchen responded immediately. "The production team must have taken all of our supplies away because they felt that we were doing too well in the desert! They want to make our journey more difficult and challenging for us. They are too much! How could they allow us to take whatever that we wanted from the supermarket and then make us carry them with us throughout the entire day, only to steal it from us right now? What do they mean by this?"

Jin Mingchen then pointed at the cameraman and asked, "Did you see the thief?"

The cameraman could only smile before he shook his head.

"Yeah. Let's see how long you can hold back your laughter," Jin Mingchen replied. "The production team is too cruel and inhumane!"

"The other teams are all facing the same situation as you are..." one of the production crew members replied to comfort Jin Mingchen a little.

"Alright then. I seem to feel a little better already since the other teams are also in the same predicament." Sure enough, people always had to compare themselves to others in order to feel better about themselves.

However, the production crew did not reveal the fact that the 'thief' did not succeeded in stealing the possessions belonging to Yn's group. This was because even though they did also take turns resting and sleeping while they were travelling at night, Yn would arrange for one of them to keep vigil and take turns watching over their possessions at all times, while the other teams had just slept without keeping watch over their own belongings.

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