Chapter 55

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"The first question is already so difficult," the singer, Li Meng, said as he turned around and looked at Lin Kaiyan. "Kaiyan, do you know the answer to this question?"

Lin Kaiyan shook his head.

Moreover, this question had nothing to do with anyone's level of education at all. This question was simply targeted at their historical knowledge.

He was a celebrity, a well-known actor. Why would he remember all these details?

Of course, the production team had already known that this would be the case. That was the reason they had invited the expert team over to participate in the program, as they could impart their scientific observations and knowledge when explaining the correct answers after the celebrity guests had answered the questions.

At this time, the support team seated behind the celebrity guests were also having a fierce discussion about this question. They felt as though every one of the five items could be the right answer.:00FANTASY1adlogoTruvidfullScreen

"You have five more seconds before the countdown ends," Teacher Xiaoxiao reminded them with a smile on his face at this time.

Yn turned around and she realized that her support team looked as though they had nothing to tell her at all.

Yn was puzzled.

Weren't they her support team?

In fact, her support team was quiet because they knew that Yn was a genius in variety shows. Perhaps Yn had already done her homework in advance before coming for the program today?

Therefore, no one dared to show off in front of her.

"Are you all asking me to choose a random answer then?" Yn asked in a helpless manner.

"Teacher Lee, none of us know the answer anyway. Therefore, you can just decide on your own!"

Yn turned around and face the host as soon as she heard the reply from one of the students in her support team.

"Time's up! Do any of you want to answer the question?" Teacher Xiaoxiao asked as he glanced at the four guests participants seated before him. After a short while, he realized that none of them were planning to answer the question. Finally, he pushed the the frame of his glasses higher up his nose bridge before he looked at Yn and said, "Well, what about you, Yn? Don't you intend to answer the question?"

"I am waiting for my seniors to answer the question first," Yn replied with a smile on her face as she sat up straight.

She was wearing a light red dress today which carried a certain ancient charm and somehow had a blend of modern fashion to it. She looked absolutely amazing in the dress.

Furthermore, the light red dress made her looked even fairer and more intelligent.

"What about you, Kaiyan?" Teacher Xiaoxiao asked as he shifted his focus to Lin Kaiyan instead.

"I choose no. 4, bronze," Lin Kaiyan replied immediately.

"Please give us your reason for choosing that answer."

"This is simply because I think that this bronze statue looks very different from the other items. Moreover, the style and the pattern of the bronze statue seem to indicate that it is from another period or dynasty," Lin Kaiyan explained. In fact, this was also one of the ways that experts usually used to judge the authenticity of an artifact.

Teacher Xiaoxiao nodded his head after listening to Lin Kaiyan's explanation. After that, he looked at the other guests before he said, "I asked each of you to fight to answer the question but it seems as though none of you are interested to offer your answer at all. What would be your answer, Teacher Meng?"

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