Chapter 1: Wizard Battles

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A/N- lol hey I just finished this so wow it's weird to be back here!

Warning: this is the most carroty fanfic ever js!

I honestly cringe at how awful it is!

Even this first chapter is horrendously bad and the plot is so lame..

Probably lots of grammar mistakes because this was before I knew how to speak English correct lol and most likely wrote things wrong. also my vocabulary was smaller than my brain lol.

Also, it may not seem like it at first but this story takes a turn and like before you know it there are actually swears in it and maybe a dirty scene oops.

You'll probably see my progression as a writer through this story.

Well thanks for reading! Enjoy as much as you can :)


"Dang girl what's taking you so long?" I impatiently asked Stefanie through the bathroom door. Gosh, for someone who wants to go to this concert more than I do, she's taking forever.

"OH NO!" she screamed.

"What?!?" I yelled back.

"Oh never mind. I thought I couldn't find my lip gloss."

"Ugh, you fudge sack. I swear I am going to murder you for making me go to this," I threatened.

"Oh, you'll love it. I mean we get to see five hot guys on stage singing the best music ever. Plus, they're British and Irish!" She squealed through the door. I rolled my eyes. Although I do like people with European accents, I still really don't want to go to this. You probably have guessed this by now but we are going to a One Direction concert tonight. Oh joy! Not.

I'm not one of those hater thingies, whatever you call them. I only hate people if I have a reason to, like bullies. Man I hate bullies. And bees! They aren't people but I know they're planning to take over the world. Stupid stinging insects!

"Okay, ready." The bathroom door burst open. "Do I look okay?"

"If you were going for the look of a clown then perfecto!" I joked by doing an Italian hand motion thing that just seemed necessary.

"You're not going like that are you?" Stef asked me.

"Mmm, kinda planning on it."

"But don't you like wanna look... better?"

"Wow, Stef it's great to know you love my look!" I said sarcastically. I mean I wasn't wearing fancy stuff but at least it wasn't slutty. I was just wearing a loose short sleeved grey and white striped shirt that hung off my shoulder and some jean shorts since it's summer. I had my blonde layered hair up in a medium ponytail. Kinda my look. I, being not the biggest fan if makeup, wore light eyeliner, which I rub in so it doesn't look like a little kid drew with black Crayola marker on my face, some mascara, a light coat of pink eyeshadow, and my favorite, Chapstick. Yeah, I know it's not makeup but its my favorite thing. What? You still are saying it isn't makeup? Fine then sue me! Wait don't! I don't have a lawyer.

***(A/N- Warning! Just a bunch of boring explanations! Sorry I had to do this to you guys!)***

Stefanie, on the other hand, was wearing a hot pink spaghetti strap tank top (That's it!), and jean shorts. But I, being the nice friend I am, am just gonna bring one of her One Direction shirts along. Her makeup, which is atrocious (I only know that word because it's in "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins. I'm not actually that smart, people. Let's be reasonable here.), contains of the Crayola marker eyeliner look, mascara that makes it look like her eyes are glued together, a deep purple eyeshadow, some blush, and lip gloss. I hope she knows we are going to a concert, not a strip club.

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