Chapter 29: Beauty

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All of a sudden I jerked forward and started hacking up a lung. Well, not really but you get the point. Water splattered from my mouth.

I opened my eyes to see a bunch of people crowded around me. What the hell happened?

"Larissa, you okay?" Louis asked, looking intently in my eyes, probably checking to make sure they had dilated correctly.

"Louis, what happened? I was surfing and uh- yeah."

"You see, you fell overboard and your boyfriend saved you, also performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," an apparent lifeguard explained from beside Louis. "Good job, son!" He gave Louis a pat on the back. Louis nodded.

I blushed a little. "You saved my life, though." I launched myself at him in a hug. "You don't know how grateful I am."

"Of course I would save your life," he whispered in my ear. "I wasn't going to let you drown. It's no problem either."

"Dude, you are acting like this is no big deal. This is a huge deal. This is, in fact, a mega super deal. You saved my life. I owe my life to you."

Louis sighed but I could tell he was still grinning. "Listen, I think the media knows about you now because of the little... stunt, if you would call it, so why don't we just head back to the hotel and maybe you and I could continue on with what was happening before, if you know what I mean."

I pulled away. "Well, looks like I'm famous now!"

"Of course that's the only thing you got out of that," he muttered to himself. "C'mon let's go."

"Alright," I agreed. I was about to stand up until Louis stopped me.

"Let me carry you, love. You just went through a traumatic experience and I don't know if you're stable enough to walk. So I, being the nicest boyfriend I am, shall carry you." I felt my legs go as my body was lifted into the air.

"Onward, noble steed," I spoke valiantly.

Louis sighed. "This is what I get for saving your life."

"Oh that's a bunch of tosh. Think of it as a reward that you are carrying me. After all, I am famous so you are carrying a famous person."

"Lars, as much as I love you, and believe me I do, don't try to make yourself seem British. And you know, not all of us say things like 'tosh'."

"That's a load of rubbish." I grinned.

He groaned. "Stubborn one you are."

"That sounded like Yoda, mate."

"You sure are pushing my buttons. You better be thankful that I love you."

"Indeed I am. LOL I sound like Yoda too."

"Did you seriously say LOL in a sentence?"

"I did. And what are you gonna do about it?" I challenged.

"Question why I am in love with you."

I smacked Louis' arm. "Aye, you jerk. Don't be hatin'. You love me because I'm amazing! And you have an abiding respect for me."

"That is true."

"Uhh, how much farther?" I whined out.

"I don't know," Louis replied in a mocking whiny tone.

"Did you just mock me?"

"Yeah and what are you gonna do about it?" Louis challenged. Hey, that dude is stealing my words.

"Question why I am in love with you," I muttered.

"Aww! You said you're in love with me. That's sweet, Larsy."

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