Ch. 42.2: Hello Chicago!

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"Lars," someone whispered, lightly shaking me. "You gotta wake up."

"Ehh," I mumbled, turning over and pressing my face into the pillow.

"You have a plane to leave," the person continued, closer to me now.

"But I don't want to leave you," I whined.

"I know, babe, but we both have to go different places," Louis commented, before I felt a hand delicately run through my hair.

I pouted as my eyes began opening. I hated waking up early and I especially hated waking up early to bad news. Now my morning is already ruined.

"Do you have any packing left to do?"

I felt like my heart had stopped beating. Oh shit! "I forgot to pack." I instantly army-rolled out of bed, being super careful not to hit the floor with a thunk!

"I don't think that was necessary," he muttered, reaching down to try to pull me up. I grabbed onto his awaiting hand, heaving myself onto my two feet.

A knock sounded from the door. "Yes?" I asked, thinking that it might be room service.

"Are you two fully clothed?" inquired a feminine voice from the hall.

I groaned. That little bitch shit... "We were never unclothed in the first place, Stef."

"Suuure," she responded sarcastically, stretching out that word.

"Says the girl who was with Liam last night? One could only imagine what you two were doing," I trailed off, scowling to myself. I would never want to think of it.

"Speaking of which, I need to talk to you, sissy. So that means get out, Louis," she ordered, shoving my boyfriend to the door.

"I'm leaving! Jesus..." he muttered as Stefanie closed the door behind him.

"That was rude," I commented.

"Yeah okay, so how did your date go last night?" she questioned, walking over to the closet and removing all her clothes from it. I began doing the same while we engaged in conversation.

"I thought you were gonna tell me about yours," I spoke, pouting to myself.

"Too bad. Now c'mon, say all," she commanded.

I looked at her momentarily, rolling my eyes, before focusing back on what I was packing.

"It was so lovely. He took me to this beautiful beach and we ate food and it was Arby's so I was so happy."

"Aww," she cooed. "Not at the Arby's, but at the beach. That's so romantic."

"Yeah. And then he gave me this," I explained, motioning to the shiny ring on my pinky finger.

Her head snapped to see what I was talking about. As her eyes fell upon the shiny object, she squealed, clasping a hand to her mouth. She ran over to where I was grabbing onto my jewelry-covered finger, twisting it and examining every part.

"That is gorgeous," she spoke, stunned in utter awe.

"And expensive," I added, quickly pouting. "But he gave it to me after we settled some terms."

"Whatcha mean by that?" she inquired, looking straight into my eyes.

I told her a paraphrased version of our whole conversation last night, getting different reactions with each sentence.

"So you two won't be able to be together?" she asked, pouting sympathetically.

"How could we? How are we supposed to work a long-distance relationship? Those never turn out well."

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