Ch. 42.1: Late Night Date Night

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~2 weeks later~

"Thank you, guys," they announced in the microphones. "The tour has been fun."

The band waved their final goodbyes as Stef and I were fangirling at the side. I mean we were at a One Direction concert! How can you not?

This is basically where I met the love of my life, when I was a little girl, last year.

Okay, I know what you're thinking- 'stupid, Lars, it wasn't last year'- in which you are absolutely correct. Wait, you weren't thinking that? Well you better have been because it's important information. There's gonna be a test. Not really. There should be though, just so I can trick you up because I can tell that you didn't study. I have ways...

But by last year I really meant when I was a year younger, AKA about 3.5 months ago. That's right, I'm using decimals.

But anyways... This isn't just some normal concert, no. It's the last concert of this tour. It's so emotional and I want to cry but that would be rather absurd of me. But then again, everything I do is rather absurd.

The guys were literally about to leave the stage any second.

I squealed a bit as I watched the bunch take a huge bow, all wrapped in each other's embrace.

I couldn't be more delighted that they were all close friends again. I would honestly feel so guilty for the rest of my life if I ruined them. That would put me in jail for sure!

Soon enough, they exited the stage in a heap of sweatiness.

"Great job, guys," I gushed in an unusual, but normal for myself, voice.

"That was so amazing," Stefanie added in a daze. I nodded my head in agreement as I couldn't prevent the smile from lurking onto my face.

Instantly, I saw Liam take Stef into his arms and kissed her passionately. Those two...

As I was about to say something, I felt myself being swept off my feet (literally and metaphorically). I twisted around in the person's strong grip and the sight made me grin widely.

Before I knew it, I felt the all-too familiar pair of lips on my glossy ones.

I felt the familiar fireworks ignore through my body as Louis pulled me even closer, holding my small figure delicately as if I were a baby.

I could hear someone, which sounded like Harry, groan. "Get a room, you four!"

"Man, it sucks being single," Niall muttered sadly. There will never be a time where I don't feel like shit.

"What? You're making it sound like I'm single," Zayn commented. "I'm not in the same category as you people."

I couldn't help the laugh that emerged from my mouth as I pulled away, clutching my mouth. "Something about that was great."

"It definitely was," Stefanie continued, grinning like a fool.

Louis and Liam looked beyond confused while I skipped over to my girl, linking our elbows together.

"Let's blow this joint," she and I announced in unison. The very second that both of us finished the sentence, our eyes widened as we stared at each other in awe.

"Oh my god!" I yelled.

"That was perfectly in sync- or should I say N' Sync?" she joked as I began laughing at her awful pun.

"Wow you girls sure are something," Zayn muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Something like a party!" my girlie and I sang at the same time, prominent smiles on our faces.

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