Chapter 6: Ooh Fancay!

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I awoke to Stef's scream. "WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?" Everyone groaned before realization hit them.

"Whose clothes are these?" Niall panicked.

"Why are you in my clothes?" Zayn asked him. More like yelled, actually.

"Because I am not in my clothes," Niall said, emphasizing the word 'my'.

"I am!" Liam yelled.

"HARRY!" Stefanie squealed. She quickly turned her shocked expression into anger. "WHY ARE YOU IN MY CLOTHES?!?!" She jumped on him and began hitting him.

"Uh, I, I d-don't know!" He stuttered out. Zayn and Liam pried Stef off of him.

Louis and I were laughing so hard. Everyone looked at us with a confused expression.

"They did this! She's a female Louis!" Harry yelled while pointing at me. I smiled, probably looking like an idiot.

Louis put his arm around me. "Don't act surprised, mates. I rub off on lots of people."

Stefanie scoffed. "Yeah, you never get used to her pranking."

Louis shrugged. "I probably could." I smiled.

"Is there like a thing going on between you two?" Zayn asked, smirking.

"No. Oh no." I stepped away from Louis. Did it seem like I liked him? I mean I do like him. As a friend of course. I haven't developed feelings for any of the boys yet. I don't like I will at all. The boys are super nice but it probably wouldn't work out.

Louis smacked Zayn's arm. "Of course not."

"So anyways what's the day planner?" I looked around at the guys.

"Uh, I don't know, actually," Liam said looking down. "If the storm is clear we might have to leave."

Stef and I 'aww'ed. "You guys should just live here."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"I know, girls. We have to leave, though," Liam said sadly.

"Where you guys heading?" Stef changed the subject.

"Just our hotel," Liam said simply.

"Ah," I said.

"Can we borrow Liam for a bit?" Louis asked us. We nodded and they went into a group huddle whispering a bunch of stuff.

Liam sighed before saying more things that weren't quite understandable. They all turned to look at us, grinning like freaks.

"Do you want to stay with us?" They questioned in perfect sync.

Stef and I stared at each other for a couple seconds. "Yes," we said in unison.

They cheered and opened their arms as if to get a group hug. Stef and I didn't hesitate for a moment before we ran and joined the bear hug.

"How long are you guys gonna be in Chicago?" I asked.

"I think till like Friday," Liam responded.

"Cool." We pulled away. A foul scent hit my nose. I looked over at Stef, who was still in Liam's clothes, at noticed that her hair was extremely messy and greasy too.

"We need to shower," I whispered to her.

Her face turned shock once realization hit her that we weren't clean. "Oh shoot."

"Hey, guys. Can you maybe head back to your apartment so we can, like, shower and then we'll head over to your place." I tried not to sound rude but kind of failed to do so.

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