Chapter 20: The Question

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"Hah, I win. In your face you talentless losers! No offense," I cheered.

"How can we not be offended by that?" Zayn raised his eyebrows.

"Look, buddy. I'm just a dancer," I quoted from iCarly. Okay maybe I watch a bit too much TV. Just maybe.

"Ooh I love that episode," Stefanie squealed.

"Me too. So. What's the day planner for today?"

Just then Liam's phone started ringing and he swiped it to answer. "Hello? Yes. No, we haven't. We were-. But we-. Could we-? Yeah. Please. Alright. Okay bye." He looked up from his phone. "We have to go to a meeting."

"When will you guys be back?" I asked them.

"Actually he said to bring you too with," Liam added.

"What? Why? Who's he and why does he wanna see us?" Stefanie demanded.

"It's our management. It's concerning," he glanced at his bandmates, "the thing." They all seemed to understand what he meant because the nodded.

"What did he say about it?" Louis questioned.

"He just wanted to talk to us in the meeting," answered Liam. "We should probably go then since he wants us there now."

"I'll call the limo." Zayn pulled out his phone.

"I'll go get Niall," I said before getting the boy who was still up there. "Hey, Irish!" I walked into his room.

"Come in?" He chuckled.

"Whoopsies. Well anyways the boys want you and your butt downstairs because you guys have a meeting and are talking about 'the thing' whatever that means and Stefanie and I are apparently coming too so yes.." I trailed off. His eyes widened slightly at the sound of 'the thing'. Okay what is this thing.

"Uh, yeah be there in a second," he spoke before hopping off his bed.


~Twenty minutes later~

I followed the seemingly nice lady and the guys and Stef into an office. It had a huge long table with a bunch of rolly chairs set up around it. I mentally squealed because I loved rolly chairs so flipping much.

Back when my mom was a teacher, and horse back riding was a part-time thing, she'd bring me to her school when she had to work in her classroom. The hallways were filled with bunches of rolly chairs so I'd ride them down the hallway and race a fellow teacher's son.

He and I had actually become good friends but we lost contact when my mom quit her job to pursue her dreams as becoming a professional rider.

Stef pulled me slightly to sit down. I approached a chair that was next to Louis and Stefanie. Me, being me, was a clumsy nutter so I ended up trying to sit down but failed. You know when you don't hold on to a rolly chair when you sit down and it goes rolling backwards. That happened to me.

All the guys and my best friend forever (she doesn't deserve that title) burst into laughter. Louis was doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach. Jerky boyfriend! I wish I had some beef jerky! Or Slim Jim's! Those things are da shit! Off topic!

I hopped back up and wiped the dirt off of me. "Some friends you are," I muttered. Okay maybe I would be hunched over laughing too if it happened to anyone else but since it was me it occurred to then I won't.

"You would be laughing too if you saw it," Louis said once he sobered up while the rest of the guys were still chuckling. When he was about to sit down, I grabbed his chair and pulled it away from him. His bottom collided with the ground with a thud.

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