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~3rd person's POV~

"That is so not fair!" Larissa screamed as she once again got pushed off of Rainbow Road. It had been a number of times where she could barely move a bit and then some larger idiot would knock into her.

"You had to pick Toadette," Stefanie countered, smirking at her friend's frustration.

"Says you, Toad," the other one bit back. "But seriously, the game shouldn't be programmed to do this. The automatic intelligence should not push real people off of the road. I can't push them so they can't push me."

"Why don't you write to the makers?"

"That would be so much work," Larissa whined, being lazy as always.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed as she picked it up.

From: Louis (she had to change his contact name from 'the best boyfriend ever' for labeling purposes)

'Hows your day goin?x miss u'

She sighed, missing him in the most painful ways. If only they could be together. At least they had the relationship they currently had.

To: Louis

'Well and I miss u too ):'

Her phone vibrated once more as she received another text.

From: Sexy Steffy <3

'Get off the phone, loser'

"Stefanie," Larissa warned, playfully glaring at her best friend.

"At least I'm playing the game."

Suddenly, the sound of keys in a lock startled the two.

Their heads snapped to see the other's eyes and they both exchanged looks of panic.

"Who the hell is there?" Stefanie whispered to Lars and they both jumped over the sofa, cowering in fear behind it.

The keys rustled a bit as they heard the lock turn.

"I'm scared," Larissa spoke honestly.

Her friend nodded, beginning to discuss their plans in case it was a murderer of some sort. "Alright, so if we need to, we'll use our ninja skills, but only if they're absolutely necessary."

"Got it. Now what about- ahh!" They both screamed as two figures emerged from the doorway.

"Now that's not a pleasant reaction to receive from coming home after a while," a lady, mid 40s, commented.

"Mothers!" the girls yelled simultaneously, sprinting towards their awaiting moms.

"It's great to see you girls," Ms. Buchanan complimented, squeezing her daughter tightly.

"I missed you so much, Larsy poo," Ms. Rexford cooed gently into her daughter's ear.

Larissa wasn't even the least bit ashamed of the childish nickname, since she was in the presence of the lady of whom gave birth to her.

"I missed you too, Mommy. I love you" she replied as Stefanie muttered something similar.

It had felt like forever since the girls last saw their moms.

"How did the competitions go?" Stefanie inquired, engaging in some conversation.

"Just wonderful," her mom spoke and Ms. Rexford nodded, agreeing with her overview.

"But let's talk about you guys. What did you two do all summer?" Larissa's mother asked, curious by what the two girls had to say.

Larissa and Stefanie shared a knowing grin. Behind that grin held the truth of what had really happened throughout the months.

The girls, with their devious minds, rolled around on their feet, silly smiles among their features. "Oh nothing."

Sure that was an utter lie, but could they really summarize all that had happened if they were to tell their mothers?

Hell, it could be long enough to put in writing, if one were to actually take the time to do that.

Although, if it was to be put into a story, it would take at least 40 chapters, probably around 42.

And it, without a doubt, would be anything but normal.

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