Chapter 21: Skating Poke Challenge

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A/N- Hello people! *Ducks down to avoid being hit by a flying chair*

Okay I am so sorry about that whole deleting thing!

Thanks so much for 400 reads! <3

My new story is out. Check it out please! That would mean a lot! It's called The Unusual Day At Starbucks! (TUDAS)

Note: Okayy Wattpad is being screwy for me so it might be a little out of order! Please read chapter 20 before this one! I repeat, chapter 20 before this! It isn't in the right order and I don't even know how that happened!

But it just makes sense that way!

Thanks guys!



"Uh, I'll have a banana cream pie Blizzard. Small. Small banana cream pie," I ordered. Quite awkwardly, might I add.

I was last to order out of our gang. Teehee I called it a gang. It's not really a gang. Gangs beat up people. They're scary!

I would say we're like a pack but packs are associated with wolves which we are not. I wish, though. Wolves are frickin' awesome!

"Banana cream pie," the server lady announced. I sent her a smile before taking the cup of glory. Or ice cream. Now that you mention it those words are actually synonyms. Not really.

"You guys are too nice. You didn't have to pay." I spooned a big glob of the banana flavored ice cream. If you haven't had a banana cream pie Blizzard from DQ, I recommend you try one because they are quite delicious. Like so delicious that the ice cream tastes like flipping banana cream pie! And there's also little wafer thingies and bananas mixed in! Too good to exist!

"What gentleman doesn't pay for a lady?" Louis wrapped his available arm around me. He got a cone, hence needing one less hand. You know 'cause you don't need another hand to hold the spoon and yeah, you know what I mean. If you don't then, I think that's a problem.

Wait, who am I talking to?

Someone call a therapist because I am goin' cray-cray all da way! That rhymed! Intentional rhymes! Opposite of unintentional rhymes! I think you caught my drift!

Mental hospital, here I come!

Yay, road trips!

Mah lawd what is wrong with me!

It's the ice cream! Too delicious!

Oh how I praise you, delicious one!

"What do you think, Lars?" Niall asked me.

"Uh, wha?" I shook my head, stupidly. The ice cream is gettin' to me, man.

"You wanna go roller skating?" He repeated slower.

"Ooh, yeah. That sounds fun!"

"We'll go after we finish the ice cream," Liam explained, taking a lick off his cone. He wasn't eating a Blizzard. No Blizzard means no spoon. He isn't using a spoon.

Wait, that whole spoon fear was real! I thought it was fake!

How do I know that, you may ask. If you didn't then you should've because that's a very important question.

Anyways I know it because a certain girl named Stefanie made me watch so many fact videos and read so many stupid articles! And it was out of my own will!!! Like what friend does that to another?

"Hey, babe," Louis whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. Or it was just the fact that I was eating ice cream. Who knows?

"Babe? Wow, that's typical," I responded, taking a huge bite of my ice cream that was already half empty. I mean half full! I'm an optimistic orange, not a pessimistic potato! Why do I associate those two things with food! Like what? What, what-what? What-what, what-what?

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