Chapter 11: Butt-Smacking War

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I awoke to the feeling of coldness. Im guessing Niall's not here right now which is a disappointment because I just really wanna cuddle with someone.

I squint my eyes open to prove that my guess is correct. He's gone. I groan. There's is no way in hell I'm staying here. The zombies could attack in the morning.

My eyes open all the way, the bright light pouring throughout the room.

Okay, I have to do this eventually, may as well make it now. I force the sheet off of me and hop of the bed. But me, being a clumsy nutter, actually fell of the bed. Grr!

Once I get up, I stretch and make my way outside the rooms.

All of the doors were open so the guys must be doing work. The only one that's closed is Stef and I's.

Shall Ms. Larissa Rexford play a prank on Ms. Stefanie Buchanon? Yes she shall.

I sneak into the room to find a fast asleep Stef. Aww cute! Wittle Steffy is sweeping!

After snapping a few selfies with Stefanie I decide to resume my prank.


She jolts up before bolting to the door whereas I start cracking up. She stops abruptly once she hears my laughs.

"What the hell are you doing, Larissa Marie Rexford?" Ouch, she's pissed. She used my full name. That can't be good.

I gulp. Uh-oh. I forgot that waking her up usually ends in someone getting hurt. Been there, done that. "It's out. I got the fire. We good," I say casually before strolling out of our room. That sounds so fancy like who strolls anymore. Psh, weird people.

Stef groans before following me downstairs into the kitchen.

"Guys, we're-! Wait, where is everyone?" I look around but see nobody.

"There's a note. 'Dear Larissa and Stefanie, we had to go to a meeting and do a bunch of boring stuff. Will be back around noon. Food's in the cabinets. Help yourself. But don't eat too much. Remember, when Niall gets upset, we all get upset. Have fun and don't burn the house down. xxx the guys.'"

"Hey wait doesn't 3 x's mean like sex or something?" I tilt my head looking up at the ceiling while repeatedly tapping my chin. I call it my thinking pose.

"I don't know," Stefanie answers.

"Hmm well we have the house alone for," I check my phone, "about two hours. What do you wanna do?"

"We could watch movies, or do blind makeovers, or-" I cut her off.

"We should probably eat first. Can't think on an empty stomach."

"Right, you are." She grabs a banana from a fruit bowl.

"When am I not?"

She pauses to think for a moment. "Remember when you thought Christmas was on the 26th. You weren't right there."

"I thought I remember it being that day. I didn't know it was actually the 25th." I crossed my arms. "Don't judge me, okay?"

"Hun, I don't judge you on purpose. You just make such a fool of yourself that I get to tell you about it. It's actually your fault." She smirked.

I grabbed a granola bar and started munching on it. "Yeah well I don't really have a comeback. Wow, you actually outcomebacked me. That rarely happens and it was with you. That's a first."

She stuck he tongue out at me. I scoffed. "You're pretty immature, you know. And that's coming from me, the Queen of Immaturity. But don't let that get to your head, kay. That was pretty immature but you'll never outimmature me."

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