Chapter 40: Reconnecting the Past

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"You better show yourself."

"As you wish." With one hand still pressed against Louis's forehead, he slipped off the mask with the hand that had the gun in it.

As I saw the face I choked on my saliva. This is not who I was expecting at all.


I could hear Louis mumble a "huh", only to be smashed more into the brick wall.

"Long time no see, hun," Dad replied, smirking.

My surprised look quickly vanished, turning into one of pure hatred and anger. "I don't want you in my life anymore," I responded sternly, shaking my head.

"Larsy, look-"

"Don't call me that!" I hissed. "You ruined our family. You cheated on Mom and she was devastated for years. You know who had to comfort her? Me! Don't you dare think that you could just come back and expect everything to be okay."

"I never wanted anything bad to happen to you. I know I made the biggest mistake of my life but now I'm only trying to protect you."

"Protect me?" I scoffed. "What kind of person would protect someone by sending them anonymous text messages and stalking them?"

"I only wanted you to be safe," he reasoned. "I would never dare to hurt you ever. I know you'll never want me back in your life, since I missed a huge part of it, but I'd like to rekindle our relationship, just like it used to be."

"You make me sick," I spat. "When you left us you left my life. But even as hard as I could try to forget you, you always crawled your way back into my mind. I cried over you day and night. Every now and then I wake up in the middle of the night, sobbing to myself because I lost a father. You're pathetic and the only thing you can say for yourself is sorry? We're way past sorry."

"Please, Larissa, find it in your heart to forgive me."

"I never even wanted you to ever come back. I thought I had lost you for good. You are one sick bastard, Frank," I hissed, using his first name because he clearly didn't deserve the nickname, Dad.

"How's your mom doing?"

"How's Cindy doing?" I countered, referring to the woman he had cheated on my mother with.

He blinked his eyes slowly, exhaling. "I made the hugest mistake of my life and I'm sorry."

"What did I tell you? Sorry doesn't cut it. I will never forget the terrible feeling you casted upon me. I was neglected by you after you kicked us out and took everything that we owned. I almost had to quit dance from this and dance is my life. I would've died had dance no longer been a part of my life. I even had to work two jobs just so we could get a fraction of what we had lost. You took all of Mom's hard-earned money. That is absolutely revolting of you to do something like that."

"Please forgive me," he implored, staring me in the eyes.

I shook my head, getting awfully tired of this loser attempting to apologize.

"But you didn't need me," he added. "Look at all you've become during my absence. You've made a bunch of friends along the way. You should just be so proud of yourself."

"I would be proud of myself even more if one of my friends," that sounded quite awkward on my tongue, "didn't have a gun being held to his head."

"Larissa, he's a bad man-"

"Oh, he's the bad man?" I questioned exasperatedly. "Look at you! You're an evil, pathetic shell of a man!"

"At least I didn't cheat on you," Frank retorted angrily.

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