Chapter 16: The Epic Pillow Battle

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A/N- Sorry for the filler! I promise drama will happen soon!


~Stefanie's POV~

I decided what the hell? I'll see where he goes with this and if it gets dirty then I'll stop. Heck, it's dirty already.

Liam moaned against my mouth, still attempting at making me moan. I, of course, didn't let him. He kept pushing me even more into the door, me banging against it.

"Sickos!" Louis yelled from outside the door before muttering some things.

Liam ignored Louis and continued his business: Trying to get me to moan!

His hands traveled up my body while mine were under his shirt. Suddenly, he pulled away staring at me hungrily. Last time I checked I wasn't food...

He scooped me in his arms panting like I was, before taking me to the one place I feared... his bed.

He gently placed me on the bed before getting on. His hands went down to his shirt as he started tugging it off.

"Wait," I interrupted closing my eyes.

He paused his stripping. "What?"

I opened my eyes before looking into his. "This is moving too fast."

"What do you-?" I cut him off.

"Us. This. We aren't even a couple and we're already... doing things. I mean Louis is right, we are sickos."

He pondered a moment. "I never thought of it like that. I'm so sorry. I was gonna ask you something later tonight but I think now would be a better time." His stare went deep into me.

I raised my eyebrows. "What's that?"

"Would you, Stefanie, like to go out with me? Look, I know we just met, and things are moving so fast but I really like you. I understand you probably just think I'm some creep and that you wouldn't want to. But, please." His eyes were full of hope.

Did I really want to? I mean of course I want to. I've wanted to since I first found out about them. "Yes I would love to, Liam."

He grinned before pulling me into a hug.

"Well good thing this relieves the awkwardness because now we are a couple and not friends with benefits or anything like that!" I pointed out.

"True. So," he paused, "wanna spread the news?"

"Heck yes," I yelled before jumping off the bed. "By the way, your chest feels nice."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

I nodded and he chuckled. "Well, you have a nice neck."

"There better not be any marks or anything like that tomorrow," I threatened.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," he muttered and I shot him a death glare.

"Something tells me I'm gonna need to put lots of concealer on tomorrow." I rolled my eyes.

"Probably, now come on." He grabbed my wrist before dragging me out to the hallway.

"I can walk you know." I tried pulling my arm out of his grip but failed.

"Nuh uh. You can't get out of my hold."

"Protective much?" I murmured.

"Psh no."

"Uh huh. Now c'mon Louis might be in the back so let's tell him." I dragged him towards the back of the hallway.

"I'm letting you pull me, you know!" He yelled to me.

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