Chapter 26: The Bowling Master

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"Do we have to?" Harry whined.

"Yes, Harry. Louis is mad at you and you two need to work things out. Now c'mon, he's waiting for you outside."

He rolled his eyes before walking, with hunched shoulders, outside.

"How long do you think they'll be out there?" Niall questioned.

"I give 'em fifteen minutes," Zayn commented.

"Thirty," I said.

"Nah, I think five then they'll be done," Liam responded.

I shrugged. "Do you think they will hurt eachother?"

"Louis and Harry? No, not them. They wouldn't. They are too close of friends to even dare," Liam answered.

"You sure? 'Cause I don't want them to hate each other forever." I started worrying. Like what if they get so pissed that they never talk to each other again.

"Don't worry, Lars." Liam gave me a side hug with his one arm that wasn't rubbing Stefanie's back. "Louis and Harry won't hate each other, I promise. They'll just forgive and go back to being friends."

"I hope so."

"I know so. I'm 100% positive. In fact, I would even place money on it. I would put my life on it!"

"Well, if you'd put your life on it then I have to believe you."

He smiled. "Glad you see it my way."

Suddenly, the door opened and the two people we were just talking about came in.

"So, what happened?" Liam raised an eyebrow. By the looks of it I started to get a little scared.

"Louis, the inconsiderate jerk, was being completely unreasonable!" Harry yelled out.

Louis threw his hands in the air exasperatedly. "I wouldn't be like that if that senseless idiot over there would've used self control. Oh by the way, it's this thing people have that you should really get," he directed at Harry. Holy crap! They're pissed.

"Listen, we don't know what the problem is but can you guys please work it out. You shouldn't be fighting," Liam butted in.

Louis and Harry stared at each other before bursting out in laugher.

"Am I missing something here?" I asked, quite confused.

"We forgave each other. We were just messing with you. We gotcha good!" Harry smirked.

"Jerks," I muttered under my breath.

"You know you love us," Harry said.

"I love Louis, not you." I answered which gave Louis a smirk now.

"But Louis was part of it as well!" Harry accused.

"But Louis is my boyfriend and I love him." I placed an arm around his shoulder.

Harry sighed. "Whatever."


~5 days later~

"Bye, Dallas!" The guys yelled into their microphones before running off the stage. Yes, we are in Dallas. It seems like just two days ago we where in Kansas City. Actually we were. Stupid me.

Everyday I am missing Chicago more and more. That's the city I grew up in. Well, for the past few years of my life.

I congratulated Louis and the rest for their performance.

"So what do we do now?" Stefanie asked.

"I'm starving, let's eat," Niall suggested.

"Me too," I seconded.

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