Chapter 35: Gimme Ice Cream

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"What I'm trying to say is that I..."

"Larsy baby are you okay?" A voice that can only be identified as Stefanie's questioned concertedly, as she barged through the door.

Niall sighed, closing his mouth. I sent him a reassuring look before I was soon tackled out of his grasp into my girl's.

"Baby girly," she cooed. "I hope you're alright. I beat that shitbag for you."

"I know, I heard," I muttered thinking about all the possibilities of how she could've injured him. What if he's decapitated? "Uh..You didn't...kill him...uh...did you?"

"No, no. He's still alive," she mentioned almost disappointedly. "Even though he shouldn't be."

"Now, now," I reprimanded. "We shouldn't wish death upon anyone."

"But he did such terrible shit to you," Niall practically yelled out, making sure to get his point across.

I frowned at him. "You especially shouldn't want him dead. You are in a band together and you are also best friends."

"But how could I possibly forgive him when I know he hurt you? When he hurt the girl I lo-..." he paused, looking towards the floor awkwardly. "Yeah."

The girl I lo-...? That sounds awfully similar to 'the girl I love!' L o v e...

Surely he couldn't possibly mean love as in he could be in love with me, right? I mean, that's obviously not the case. Right?

Oh wow! I am seriously so blowing this out of proportion. Why am I such an over-thinker?

But then again, it's not like I would actually be opposed of this. Honestly, I would be happy. I never said anything...

(A/N- I understand how lame and cliché this is [actually, this whole story is] and I apologize. haha so please bear with me in these tragic times)

I shook it off immediately though. It's definitely no big deal.

I sighed aloud. "So what now?"

"Well... I was thinking that maybe we could do something..." Stefanie trailed off, getting off the bed and walking away momentarily.

"Huh?" I muttered to myself as Niall gave my shoulder a little reassuring squeeze.

"Movie night, bitches!" Stefanie returned, holding a large stack of movies that I couldn't read from here. "Alright, kids, I got Harry Potter, years 1-7, both parts by the way-"

"Hell yes," I interrupted her, pointing at the stack she had like a child would do if they saw an ice cream truck. "HP all the way!"

"Ooh. Okay, chica, which one?"

I wasn't the least bit hesitant as I answered her. "Six." I was in the mood to watch my favorite one.

"Excellent choice." This is probably just what I need to clear my mind from everything.

She crouched down beside the old-looking box TV, opening the DVD player. "Get ready for this!"


"I'm so confused," Niall whined, pulling me even closer to his chest.

"What are you confused about? The concept of this movie is quite simple really."

"Well sorry that I am not as Harry Potter-savvy as you are," Niall retorted even though there was an evident smile on his face.

"What do you not get?"

"Like, who is that girl who is with Ron? I thought Hermione liked Ron, but then this other chick..."

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