Ch. 43: That's a Wrap!

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A/N- Since I've decided to abolish the whole sequel idea, I have to now re-end this story.

Warning: it'll end up being a cheesy "happily every after" so my apologies.

Okay this story kinda took place the summer before Midnight Memories came out so I'm like cringing at how old this is.

A carroty story shall have a carroty ending.

Also, it's been like 8 months since I've finished this story so forgive me for barely remembering like half of the stuff in this book.


"Dude, I know it hurts. But remember that he had to leave for a reason," Stefanie reassured her best friend, smiling calmingly at her.

"But it's been a month, Stef," Larissa whined, her voice beginning to crack. "I miss him."

"Oh, sweetie," Stefanie cooed, pulling her practical sister in for a hug.

The two of them tried to do everything they could to distract themselves from the distance between them and their loved ones. Dancing could only bring peace to their broken brains for so long.

Every now and then, it would just hit them like a ton of bricks that their lovers were away, and they wouldn't be able to see them for a while.

Although, they hadn't exactly been known to what they were doing at that current moment. The guys were apparently out and about in London, occasionally visiting the U.S. but making sure to only go to L.A. So other than that, the girls had no idea where they even were. Sure, they kept up with the guys' info as much as possible, but it hurt Larissa to even speak Louis's name, much less hear all about what he's doing without her.

"At least you still have Liam. Even though you two are distanced, you're still at least together. Louis thought it would be best that we don't try to start up a long distance relationship," Larissa murmured against her best friend's sweater, her tears soaking the woolen material.

"Babe, I know, but he only did that for a reason," Stefanie reassured. "He wants you to not feel as though he's weighing you down or anything. This way, you'll still feel free to be happy. Plus, this decision isn't forever. He is destined to come back for you, I promise."

"Promise?" Lars asked weakly, looking up to her best friend with glossy eyes that were slightly widened with curiosity.

"I promise."

Despite the fact that it had really been a month, Larissa was feeling the pain more than ever.

It would practically come in waves. She would be fine for a day and then the next she would be completely distraught.

It was killing her, in all honesty. She couldn't bear to be apart from him any longer, but the worst part was that she knew she had to be.

Louis obviously had his own business, especially being in the biggest band on the planet. He had a job to do and Larissa, of course, had to respect that.

Although Stefanie was certain she could keep her promise. She knew how in love the two were, having been texting each other quite a bit. She just knew that there was no way the two could be separated for good. They just loved each other!

But the blond had to pull away from the warm embrace upon receiving a phone call.

She slid her phone from her pocket, sliding instantly to answer. "Hello?" she asked and Larissa pulled away, widening her eyes in confusion.

Stefanie's heart swelled from the voice that replied. "Babe, hey! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, Liam," she replied. "How are you?"

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