Chapter 38: The One for Me?

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"I'm so sorry about your jaw and all," I apologized, placing a pack of ice on Niall's chin. "I feel it was my fault."

"Larsy," he scoffed."None of this was your fault."

"But he punched you because of me! I'm the cause for all this pain," I reasoned, letting him grab onto the ice pack as I took a seat beside him on the bed.

"Don't you dare say that. I'm fine, really. He didn't even punch me hard enough to really injure me or anything. And to be quite honest, I'm currently feeling more pleasure than pain." He slinked his arm around my shoulders, pulling me even closer.

I tilted my head to the side, shrugging my shoulders. "I still feel it's my fault," I mumbled.

"Yeah, I couldn't find them anywhere, Li," a voice, which had gradually increased in volume, cried out from the hallways. "What if they went missing?"

"Babe, they're out there somewhere and we'll find them, no doubt. And even if we don't find Niall then the fans would," another person reassured.

I froze as I heard a swipe noise, being followed by the sound of the lock unlocking.

"But what if-" Stefanie paused as she stared at me, her eyes widening. Instantly, she squealed in delight, running towards me and attacking me in a hug.

Liam silently closed the door, walking over and planting himself besides Niall, immediately engaging in some conversation.

"Where the hell were you? How long have you been here? Is everything alright? What happened?" she babbled, not even pausing to take a breath.

"Well, to answer your questions in order: I ran to a park, coming here with Niall right after. We've been here for 'bout an hour. Overall, everything is fine," I answered, counting off my fingers but purposely leaving the last question out of it.

"Why'd you run?"

"Uh, long story," I mumbled, my hands playing with each other in my lap.

"I got time." She pulled away, sitting literally thigh-to-thigh with me.

"I think it'll take a bit too long," I spoke in a hushed tone through gritted teeth, beckoning my head at the two others in the room.

"Was it because of him?"she whispered, checking to make sure the others weren't paying attention.

"No, no," I replied, looking down at my hands.

"So... What did you guys do this whole time?" she quizzed in a louder tone, this time bringing the attention of Niall and Liam.

I shared a glance at Niall who had subtly winked at me. "Well, we just talked and watched TV," I lied. "We also exchanged jokes."

"Oh really?" Stefanie challenged, most likely not buying my pathetic excuse for a lie. "What joke did you tell him?"

Thinking immediately, on the spot, I answered, "What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato?" It was the one I told you-know-who. God, the whole point of this is to forget about him and I am struggling doing so.

"Oh my god," she groaned, slapping her forehead in annoyance.

"What is it?" Liam asked, Stefanie quickly shaking her head at him. He eyed her, raising his eyebrows as if to say, 'How bad could it be?'

"A dicktator," I said the punchline, smirking to myself. "It's a great joke really."

Niall burst out laughing. "It was even funnier the second time!"

"Told you," she hissed at her boyfriend.

"I know, babe. Shoulda listened."

"You know, you could make up for it," she suggested.

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