Chapter 34: Final Confrontation

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A/N- There are a heck of a lot more swears in this one. I'm so sorry. haha!


"Louis?" I croaked out.

His face held a panicked expression. "It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows. "You are really going to say that? That cliché statement is always a load of shit!"

"N-no," he tried.

"Why, Louis?" I asked, my voice breaking at the question.

"B-because... I don't know." He sighed.

"Wrong answer!" I yelled.

"No, no I do know! But, I don't know how to say it."

"Then don't! Don't even waste my time!" Tears began to cloud my vision.

I can't believe it, I just can't believe it! Is this real? I've never said 'I love you' to a boyfriend before and then this happens.

I turned around, about to walk away when Louis grabbed my shoulders, turning me around. I looked up at his face as it slowly started making its way closer to mine. He speedily pressed his lips against mine.

I shoved him away roughly. "Louis!" I screamed. "I'm not fucking going to succumb to you."

"L-Larissa, I love you!"

"Yeah, well you shoulda thought about that before you went to make out with some girl who wasn't me." I motioned to the confused girl who stood across from Louis.

"Wait, you two were dating?" she questioned. I hated her bitch-ass face. It was drop-dead gorgeous. I honestly wanted to kill her and if I had a knife in my hand, then I wouldn't be the slightest bit hesitant.

"Yes. Thank you for using past-tense," I hissed, sending her a sickly unpleasant smile.

"Larissa, please! Give me another chance! I'm sorry!" Louis pleaded.

"Oh c'mon!" I chuckled dryly, tears still soaking my face. "You say that shit to me and actually expect me to believe it! Hell to the no, sir!"

"I can't believe you!" the girl shrieked, slapping Louis in the face before storming away.

"Aww, your slut left you." I fake pouted, making no attempt to help him recover from the slap.

He held his cheek as he looked me in the eyes. "I can explain-"

"Why?" I screamed at him, able to express my true feelings now that that chick is gone. "Why would you do it, Louis? After all I've been through! After all we've been through! You know exactly what happened in my life and you do... this to me! I can't even look at you."

"I know, I know," he responded quickly.

"No, you don't," I cried out. "My parents had a fucking divorce and my dad took every fucking thing we owned. Everything! Leaving us with absolutely nothing. I haven't ever had a boyfriend and you knew! You knew all too well! I know breakups happen but I always thought my first would be a mutual one. 'Cause you know, it's my first and maybe the guy would be nice enough to break up on a friendly level. But then I met you and I fell in love. I fell hopelessly in love! And do you know what it feels like to fall hopelessly in love and have your lover cheating on you, right before your eyes? Oh wait, you don't know what that feels like. You know why? 'Cause you're Louis Tomlinson, the famous boybander. Life is a free ride for you! You just show your face anywhere and you can get whatever you want. You flaunt your features around everywhere you go! Why can't you ever feel potential heartbreak? You're probably just internally laughing at me crying out over you. I just- my god! Fuck you!" Okay, so maybe that was just my anger talking for most of it but oh well.

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