Chapter 13: What Just Happened?

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A/N- This kinda has some swearing in it! I think the rest of the story will, considering I forgot to warn you about the past swears. You have been warned!

This chapter has a lot going on so appreciate it! It's dramatic!


I stood hunched over and panting at the door to the hotel. "What took you so long?" Lou raised his eyebrows. He got there like a minute before I did.

I groaned. "Running is hard!"

He cocked his head to the side and squinted one eye. "Aren't you a dancer or something?"

"Running is bad for dancers, I think. That's what I heard," I breathed out.

He shrugged his shoulder before unlocking the door. Once we walked in we saw Liam and Niall sitting on the couch watching TV. They heard the door click shut and their heads snapped in our direction. They looked ticked off. Uh-oh, we're in trouble.

"Where do you think you two were? Liam growled and made his way over to us with Niall following.

"We were sightseeing, mate, relax," Louis tried to reassure him.

"No, you were gone for 9 hours without telling us!" Liam bellowed. It was 9:00 now, actually, so he wasn't lying.

"We didn't intend to be gone that long. It just sorta, ya know, happened," Louis reasoned.

"That's a bunch of bull!" Niall hissed. "You two were gone together. What did you do to her, Lou?"

Louis put his hands up in self defense. "Nothing! God, can't you just trust me for once? I mean ever since," he paused for a moment, "the thing, you have been so overprotective!" The thing? What does that mean?

"Don't you dare bring that into this subject! And plus I have a reason to because God knows what you could've done to her!" Niall yelled.

"I'll be in my room," I muttered quietly.

Louis grabbed my wrist. "No you can stay, Larissa. Niall, here, is just being a total prick!"

"Shut the hell up, Louis. You are the prick here. You just went out without informing any of us! We thought you were like kidnapped or something. And with her! Do you know that you could've ruined your image with the paps had you done something senseless with her!"

"I'm just gonna leave." I pushed back Louis and the guys and ran towards the stairs. Zayn and Harry were looking at me with confused expressions on their faces. I just shrugged before running to my room. No, I didn't have tears in my eyes. I'm not that weak. Just scared.

"What the hell! You scared her off!" Louis yelled so loud that his voice cracked.

I made it to my room but I could still hear vague sounds of yelling and a shower so I assume Stef is taking one. I got a glass that had once been filled with water and put it to the door so I could listen. What? It works in cartoons.

"Louis, now that we're alone we seriously need to talk!" Niall said in a raised tone.

"I didn't know you liked me that much, Niall," Louis joked.

"No times for jokes, mate!" Niall howled.

"Alright, alright," Louis spoke.

"So what the hell did you do to her! Be honest!" Niall hollered.

"Okay maybe we kissed," Louis said shyly.

"YOU WHAT?!?" Niall vociferated.

Louis muttered something that kind of sounded like, "Yeah, I did," but it wasn't that clear in the glass.

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